• Rhonda Black, RN is the Cluster Nurse for the Eagles Cluster of schools. She serves Eagle's Landing Middle, Eagle's Landing High, Flippen Elementary, Walnut Creek Elementary and Wesley Lakes Elementary Schools.


    Even'J Bercy is the Clinic Aide at ELHS.

    Students need to report to the Clinic (next to the attendance window) for assistance with illness, injuries, or medications.


    Medication Information


    • If your child needs to take any medication at school, we must have a signed Medication Authorization Form along with the medication.

    • Do not send medications to school with a student. A parent or guardian needs to bring medications to the office.

    • We cannot give any medications to a student unless a parent or guardian has brought medication to the school and filled out a Medication Authorization Form. 

    • Please keep the school informed of up-to-date contact information in case of an emergency.


    If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Ms. Bercy at even'j.bercy@henry.k12.ga.us or by calling the school office at 770-954-9515.
