Henry County School District strives to set common, rigorous, expectations for academic performance for all students, emphasize self-assessment and growth, provide a basis for accountability and address development knowledge and skills over time. The goal of Henry County School District is to ensure that every child reaches mastery in all areas. During each grading period, there will be numerous opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of the standards. Students will have their progress monitored towards mastery of the state’s identified standards. Students and parents will receive feedback via the report card every grading period. Grade reports are made available every 9 weeks. Specific grade reporting dates are identified on the Henry Count Schools Yearly Calendar. The report card format will vary by grade level.
Kindergarten: Students will have their progress monitored towards mastery of the standards using the Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS)
First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, & Fourth Grade: Students will have their progress monitored towards mastery of the standards using Standards Based Report Cards (SBRCs). The SBRC is designed to inform and provide more detailed and accurate feedback to parents regarding their child’s progress towards mastery of specific learning standards at their grade level. Teachers will report student progress based on the documented evidence of academic performance for each nine week grading period. Final grade level proficiency can only be determined at the end of the year. The levels of progress a student may demonstrate during the course of the school year are defined as follows:
0 = Critical Need; students are not making progress towards meeting the standard.
1 = Emerging; students require additional support and interventions to achieve the standards.
2 = Progressing; students are making progress towards but have not met the standard.
3 = Meets; students have met the expected goals for the grading period.
4 = Exceeds; student are beyond the expected level at that point in time relative to the standard. (Due to nature of some standards, it may not be possible to exceed).
Fifth Grade: Students receive numeric grades in all academic subjects (reading, language arts, mathematics, science/health, and social studies). Grades in art, music, physical education, and written expression are reported as S, N, or U. The report card is made available every grading period.
Letter grades and numeric grades are defined as follows:
S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory
90–100 = A 80–89 = B 74–79 = C 70–73 = D Below 70 = F