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State School Superintendent Visits HCS to Recognize 2023-2024 Literacy and Math Leaders


Dr. Pace, Supt. Woods, & district leaders with principals from math/literacy leader schools.


HENRY COUNTY, GA – The Georgia Department of Education recently named 14 Henry County Schools (HCS) as Literacy and Math Leaders for demonstrated growth and achievement in the 2023-2024 school year.

A total of 15 awards were presented in person by State School Superintendent Richard Woods at the McDonough Performing Arts Center on Nov. 8.

Six HCS Literacy Leaders were among 324 schools statewide recognized for demonstrating achievement or growth in the percentage of students reading at or above grade level:

  • Hampton Elementary
  • Pleasant Grove Elementary
  • Red Oak Elementary
  • Woodland Elementary
  • Locust Grove Middle
  • Ola Middle

Nine HCS Math Leaders were among the 624 schools statewide recognized for meeting qualifications related to exceptional achievement or growth in mathematics:

  • Locust Grove Elementary
  • Rock Spring Elementary
  • Austin Road Middle
  • Dutchtown Middle
  • Ola Middle
  • Stockbridge Middle
  • Union Grove Middle
  • Dutchtown High
  • Ola High

Ola Middle School received awards for both math and literacy.

“Congratulations to all of you,” said Woods, who presented each of the principals with Literacy and Math Leader banners to hang in their schools. “These accomplishments weren’t achieved in isolation and represent the collective efforts of your schools— from teachers to bus drivers and those who serve in your offices. This is a team effort, and we want to celebrate everyone.”

In addition to the 14 principals, HCS Superintendent Dr. John Pace III, Board Chair Sophe Pope (Dist. 4), Board Members Dr. Pam Nutt (Dist. 1) and Holly Cobb (Dist. 3), and other district leaders and staff attended to celebrate the schools’ exceptional achievements.

“Congratulations to all our Literacy and Math Leaders,” said Dr. Pace. “Our vision is to ensure a high-quality, world-class education for every student, and these awards reflect our work toward this goal. The district has made great strides in advancing student outcomes in all subject areas, and we are well-positioned to continue delivering on these ambitions.”

Literacy Leader qualifications used the Georgia Milestones Reading Status indicator, based on the Lexile score associated with students’ performance on a subset of English Language Arts assessment questions. High school awards were based on American Literature End-of-Course tests, the state test for high school English Language Arts.

The awards recognize the importance of grade-level reading, particularly in third and sixth grades.

“We have made meaningful progress this year alone toward advancing literacy through initiatives such as our HenryReads campaign,” Dr. Pace added. “I am proud of the diligence being displayed across the district, and I am confident there will be many more celebrations of growth and achievement in Henry County Schools.”

The Math Leaders demonstrated achievement or growth in the percentage of students scoring at the Proficient Learner level or above on the Georgia Milestones mathematics assessments. High school awards were based on the Algebra: Concepts and Connections End-of-Course tests, the state test for high school math.

The Math Leader awards recognize the importance of numeracy skills, particularly in the fifth and eighth grades.

HCS’ Math Leader recognitions support another recent report from the Georgia Department of Education signaling districtwide gains on 2023-2024 Georgia Milestones mathematics assessments

Georgia’s new K-12 Mathematics Standards, which seek to help students master grade-level concepts, were implemented for the first time across Georgia during the 2023-2024 school year.

“There is so much work being done from the district offices to the classrooms to ensure we provide the best education for each and every one of our students,” said Pope. “We celebrate these schools for their hard work and perseverance, and I am confident their efforts will inspire even more impressive outcomes across the district.”

About Henry County Schools

Henry County Schools (HCS) is the eighth-largest school district in Georgia, consisting of 53 schools and located about 20 minutes south of Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Over the past two decades, our community has grown in population from 113,000 residents to over 244,000 residents. Since 1999, student enrollment has grown from 21,000 to 43,000 students, and our number of employees has grown from 3,000 to 6,000.

HCS is “In Pursuit of Exceptional,” taking action to advance opportunities, access, and outcomes so that every student in our school district has Exceptional Support, Exceptional Access, and an Exceptional Future. In 2020, our Board of Education adopted our 2021-2026 Community-Inspired Strategic Plan and laid out a clear vision and mission for Henry County Schools. Our vision is to ensure a high-quality, world-class education for every student, and our mission is to empower all students with exceptional opportunities and access that lead to success in a global society.
