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HCS Shows Growth, Gains on 2023-2024 Georgia Milestones Mathematics Assessments

HENRY COUNTY, GA – Henry County Schools students showed growth and gains in mathematics during the 2023-2024 school year, according to Georgia Milestones results recently released by the Georgia Department of Education.

Scores increased in four out of the seven grade levels/courses, with notable improvement in eighth-grade math (+4.2 percentage points over the previous year) and spring high school Algebra I (+9.1 percentage points over the previous year).

During the 2023-2024 school year, new K-12 mathematics standards were implemented for the first time across the state of Georgia.

As a result, the 2023-2024 Georgia Milestones mathematics assessments were updated to align with the new standards. This delayed the Georgia Department of Education’s release of state, system, and individual school scores in math for the 2023-2024 administration of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System for both End-of-Grade and End-of-Course assessments until Sept. 30, 2024.

End-of-Grade scores report on student performance in grades 3-8, while End-of-Course scores report on student performance in four different high school courses. End-of-Course assessments are administered at the completion of the high school course, regardless of grade level.

Georgia Milestones assess student learning along four levels of performance for each subject area tested: beginning, developing, proficient, and distinguished learners. The goal for every student is to score at the proficient or above level in all subject areas.

Overall, the 2023-2024 results indicate that 27.2% of HCS students in grades 3-8 mathematics and spring high school Algebra I scored proficient or above compared to 26% for 2022-2023.

During the 2023-2024 Georgia Milestones mathematics administration, HCS sustained or experienced growth in the percentage of students scoring proficient or above in four of seven areas:

  • High school spring Algebra I showed a 9.1-percentage-point gain in students scoring at proficient or above
  • Eighth-grade math showed a 4.2-percentage-point gain in students scoring at proficient or above
  • Fifth-grade math showed a 3-percentage-point gain in students scoring at proficient or above
  • Sixth-grade math showed a 1.9-percentage-point gain in students scoring at proficient or above

Furthermore, when compared to the state’s growth, HCS outpaced the state in students scoring proficient or above on the mathematics assessment for sixth grade and spring high school Algebra I:

  • HCS gained 9.1 percentage points in high school Algebra I, while Georgia gained 8 percentage points
  • HCS gained 1.9 percentage points in sixth-grade mathematics, while Georgia gained 1.8 percentage points

More than 90% of the district’s schools demonstrated ongoing progress on the 2023-2024 mathematics assessments:

  • 100% of middle schools saw an increase in the percentage of students scoring proficient or above in at least one tested grade level (sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade, and/or high school Algebra I)
  • 93% of elementary schools saw an increase in the percentage of students scoring proficient or above in mathematics in at least one tested grade level (third grade, fourth grade, and/or fifth grade)
  • 73% of high schools maintained or saw an increase in the percentage of students scoring proficient or above on the spring high school Algebra I EOC

“Our students’ continued improvement in the Georgia Milestones math assessments is a testament to the district’s investment in learning and wellness supports designed to meet the needs of the whole child,” said Superintendent Dr. John Pace III. “The work of our teachers, leaders, and support staff districtwide has been instrumental in providing targeted instruction that yields positive outcomes, and I look forward to even more gains in our continued ‘Pursuit of Exceptional.’”


About Henry County Schools

Henry County Schools (HCS) is the eighth-largest school district in Georgia, consisting of 53 schools and located about 20 minutes south of Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Over the past two decades, our community has grown in population from 113,000 residents to over 244,000 residents. Since 1999, student enrollment has grown from 21,000 to 43,000 students, and our number of employees has grown from 3,000 to 6,000.

HCS is “In Pursuit of Exceptional,” taking action to advance opportunities, access, and outcomes so that every student in our school district has Exceptional Support, Exceptional Access, and an Exceptional Future. In 2020, our Board of Education adopted our 2021-2026 Community-Inspired Strategic Plan and laid out a clear vision and mission for Henry County Schools. Our vision is to ensure a high-quality, world-class education for every student, and our mission is to empower all students with exceptional opportunities and access that lead to success in a global society.
