Mrs. Mitchell's 5th Grade Social Studies/ELA Class!___________________________________________________________Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the 5th grade! My name is Mrs. Monica Mitchell and I am very excited about the 2016-2017 school year! Just a little bit about me, I have seventeen years of teaching experience, fourteen of those years teaching fifth grade. I am a native of Atlanta and reside here in Henry County. I am married with three children, who also attend Henry County Schools. Education is my passion and it is through dedication and perseverance that I believe all students can be successful.
Our 5th grade team will be departmentalized this year. I will be teaching the students Social Studies and ELA/Writing. I am looking forward to a year of rich learning experiences and thought provoking activities to move our students forward to academic success. I will utilize my teaching experiences to enrich an already rigorous curriculum while helping to make the students’ transition from elementary to middle school easier the following year.
It is crucial that we, (Teacher, Student, Parent) work together to encourage your child’s success. Therefore, Parents are always welcomed to visit my classroom to help encourage the proper academic environment for their child. Just notify the Front Office upon entering the school building. Remember, “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child”. Our school’s success depends upon it.
Again, I am very excited about the new school year and look forward to an excellent year. If you ever need assistance or have questions concerning your child’s academic success, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone (770) 914-1889 , REMIND 101: send code @4498f92 to 81010, , or email at monica.mitchell@henry.k12.ga.us
Monica Mitchell, Ed.S.
Wesley Lakes Elementary