• Welcome to the School Clinic
    My name is Denise Governor and I am your child's Clinic Aide. Please make sure that you provide active, current contact numbers where you can be reached in case of an emergency or illness of your child. Please remember the following:

    1. Medicine: If a student must take medicine at school, a parent should bring in the medicine and equipment and complete the Medication Authorization Form. Medicine cannot be given without written permission and instructions from the parent. Please do not send medicine to the school by the student. It must be in the original container.
    2. Prescription medicine must be in the original labeled container and contain the student's name, and instructions for dispensing the medication. Medicine will not be sent home with a student.
    3. Please make sure the clinic aide is aware of any medical conditions that you child may have as well as notifying the clinic aide and cafeteria manager of any food allergies.