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    Click here for our parent brochure on Personalized Learning at East Lake!  


    Below are the focus areas of our personalized learning plan for year 1 of our implementation.  

    1- School/Classroom Culture- We want to promote a school wide mindset of growth and personal agency.  Each class has established a class vision and code of cooperation to hold one another accountable for the learning environment.  Classes have also established standard operating procedures for ensuring the class visions and codes of cooperation are met.  We want to create a school and classroom culture where students act as agents of their own learning. We are focusing on the Second Step Curriculum.  Each class holds a morning meeting to teach and discuss positive character traits and how to deal with social and emotional issues. 

    2- Student Agency-  We believe that when students set goals for themselves and track the action steps/progress toward those goals, they are becoming agents of their own learning.  Students will use a data notebook or electronic learner profile available through Henry County Schools to set at least one academic and one personal goal per 9 week grading period.  Students will be responsible for tracking their data to monitor the progress for each goal. Students will complete learning styles and preferences inventories to understand more about their learning so they can advocate for themselves.


    Click on the picture to view our student led conference video!  


    3- Academics- We aim to see students more successful on local and state mandated assessments, as well.  All classroom will strengthen our core curriculum through teaching focusing on the Henry Teaching and Learning Standards.  A link to those can be found here.  Students will experience learning through the use of pathways in at least one core content area. Pathways allow for the student to work at a flexible pace and path of their choosing to master learning targets.  Teachers and students will work together to establish pathway options to learn material and demonstrate mastery.  These options will include various levels of depth of knowledge.  Each classroom will also focus at least two hours per week on authentic learning experiences, including passion projects, service learning projects, and project based learning.  Student engagement in the process is key!



    Want to know more about Henry County's vision for personalized learning?  

    Henry County Schools Personalized Learning