• Club Name
    Beta Club


    Meetings: Club meetings are the last Tuesday of every month at 7:45 and 3:20 in room 229. Members must attend the morning or afternoon meeting.


    1st Meeting for the 2023-2024 School Year - Tuesday, August 28th


    Purpose/Mission: The UGHS Beta Club is a part of the National Beta Club. Members serve as role models for the school community and are selected by their academic record, leadership abilities and character. Members should have a weighted GPA of 3.5/90 or better, be in the 10th grade or higher, have no record of ISS or OSS, and have a strong desire to serve their community.


    Plans: Throughout the school year, the Beta Club members will participate in a variety of service learning activities that better our school and community.


    **Applications for membership are accepted once a year. These applications are available in the Beta Club Google Classroom on February 1st and are due by March 1st.

    Sponsors:  Dr. Darby Purvis darby.purvis@henry.k12.ga.us
                      Mrs. Cindy Stephens cynthia.stephens@henry.k12.ga.us 

    Beta Officers for 2023-2024: Senior Co-President: Mikylah Charles; Junior Co-President: Alyssa Vo; Secretary: Emma Cantrell; Treasurer: Jordi Silva; and Historian: Kendal Dow.


    If you need a point sheet, you may get a copy here. This is a newer pdf as of 5/2022.

    To sign up for the REMIND Messages:

    Last name A-M text the code to 81010: @betaclubam

    Last name N-Z text the code to 81010: @betaclubnz


    Google Classroom Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NDg4OTI4NTM2MDc1?cjc=r3wgypy

    Questions about earning points or the rules for the club - check out the UGHS Beta Constitution
Last Modified on May 25, 2023