The Partners-In-Education Program is coordinated by the

     Henry County School System and the Henry County 

    Chambers of Commerce. The mission is to develop
    partnerships between schools and businesses,

     industries, and community groups to support
    student achievement.
    To become a Partner-In-Education with EXCEL Academy please contact:
    Don Dunlap at (770) 957-4101 or don.dunlap@henry.k12.ga.us
    Molly Langley at (770) 957-4101 or molly.langley@henry.k12.ga.us
    Please Support Our
    EXCEL Academy Partners in Education
    The Chance Sells Team
    The Chance Sells Team
    Realty Company
    678 752-1969
    Global Web Advisors  
    Global Web Advisors
    Web Design and Marketing Company
    404 721-0954
    Henry County Fuller Center for Housing, Inc.   
    Henry County Fuller Center for Housing, Inc.
    Non-profit housing assistance ministry
    404 597-4745
    Henry County Scholarship Foundation
    Henry County Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
    Non-profit scholarship foundation
    770 957-3164
    Heritage Bank
    Heritage Bank
    770 515-7210
    H.O.P.E. Park 
    Recreation facility for special needs children 
    770 692-5945
     Ink It! 
    Promotional & Printing Company
    678 580-7184
    Italian Oven
    770 507-4827
    Operation Lunchbox
    Assistance - providing food for students in-need
    678 333-4900