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HS Grade Repair & Credit Recovery 2022-23

Virtual Summer

HS Grade Repair & Credit Recovery 2022-2023

Grade Repair

Each high school will plan and implement a 2 week grade repair process at the end of the spring semester.

Students (Freshman - Juniors) who earned a final grade of 60-69 during the Spring 2023 semester and all Seniors who failed a course required for graduation.

*EOC not required for the grade repair process

Grading and Transcripts
Original course grade replaced with a grade of 70 on the transcript after mastery is displayed.

Credit Recovery

The district will implement a virtual credit recovery program that will be facilitated by HCS teachers via the digital platform, Edgenuity, and occur with synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
This will be free for HCS students.

Students who earned a final grade of 55-69 during the 2022-2023 school year in a course listed below while enrolled at a Henry County School at the conclusion of the Spring 2023 semester.

Math: *Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, College Readiness
ELA: 9th Grade Literature, World Literature, *American Literature, British Literature
Science: *Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, Earth Systems, Environmental Science
Social Studies: American Government, Economics, *US History, World Geography, World History
World Languages: French I, French II, Spanish I, Spanish II (Not listed on Google form)
Physical Education: Health

*EOC required for the credit recovery process

Grading and Transcripts
A new credit as a separate, additional grade on the transcript based on the student's performance within Edgenuity


Orientation dates are June 1st, 5th, and 6th. Specific times are located within the registration form below. 

Registration Form for Summer Credit Recovery 2023

In order for your child to participate in the HCS Summer Credit Recovery Program, an orientation is required.  Orientation dates are June 1st, 5th and 6th, 2023, additional details will be provided after registration. 

Summer Learning Recovery Website: Resources for students and parents that have registered for Summer Learning Recovery.  Information includes course information, teacher contacts, and test proctoring times. 

*Students will be permitted to enroll in up to 1 credit course during the district Virtual Summer Learning Credit Recovery


Credit Repetition

Options for credit repetition include fee for service summer school via Impact Academy, Faith Academy, GAVS, or as a new course at students home school.

Students who have previously failed a course can leverage any of the options listed above.
Any course available at Impact Academy, GAVS, Faith Academy, etc. (must be pre-approved by the school counselor).

*EOC required for credit recovery process

Grading and Transcripts
A new course grade will be added to the transcript for any student that completes this option.

Initial Credit

Students may elect to take initial credit via Impact Academy.
Options for initial credit include a fee for service.

Students who have not previously enrolled in a course and are seeking to complete credits for graduation.
Any course available at Impact Academy (advisement by school counselor is highly recommended).

*EOC required for designated courses

Grading and Transcripts
A new course grade will be added to the transcript for any student that completes this option.