Dual Enrollment
What is Dual Enrollment and Where Do I Start?
Georgia’s Dual Enrollment Program provides funding for students who are dually enrolled at a participating eligible public or private high school, or home study program in Georgia, and a participating eligible postsecondary institution in Georgia. These students take postsecondary coursework for credit towards both high school graduation or home study completion and postsecondary degree, diploma, or certificate requirements. The program is offered during all terms of the school year: fall, spring and summer semester or fall, winter, spring and summer quarter.
- Georgia Department of Education Dual Enrollment
- Georgia Futures Dual Enrollment Guidelines
- Henry County Schools Dual Enrollment Presentation 2024
- Henry County Schools Dual Enrollment Checklist
- Henry County Schools Dual Enrollment Step-by-Step Guide
- The law requires that you conference with your high school counselor before being approved to participate in the Dual Enrollment Program.
- During the initial meeting with your school counselor, you will be required to complete the Dual Enrollment Checklist.
- After being accepted/admitted to the Dual Enrollment Program of your choice, you and your parent/guardian will be required to complete The Dual Enrollment Funding Application/Participation Agreement found on the GAFutures Website.
- Once the Dual Enrollment Participation Agreement is completed by the student and guardian on the GAFutures Website, it is time to meet with your high school counselor for your Dual Enrollment Advisement Meeting to select the courses to be taken at your Dual Enrollment Institution.
Dual Enrollment Informational Night
January 16, 2025
Henry County Schools will host the annual Dual Enrollment Informational Night virtually on January 16t, 2025. There will be two sessions that families may select to attend 5:00-6:00 pm OR 6:30-7:30 pm. All students in grades 8 through 11, and their parents/guardians, are welcome to attend one of the sessions designed to give detailed information pertaining to earning college credit while still in high school. Post-secondary education partners such as Clayton State University, Georgia Tech, Southern Crescent Technical College, Gordon State College, along with the Georgia Department of Education will be present to provide information as well.
If you have any questions regarding the Dual Enrollment Night Information, please email scholarships@henry.k12.ga.us. If you would like to enroll in Dual Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year, please email your school counselor for an appointment.
- Dual Enrollment Presentation January 2024
- Dual Enrollment Presentation January 2023
- Dual Enrollment Recording January 2023
Dual Enrollment Regulations
The Dual Enrollment Program sponsored by the Georgia Student Finance Authority has issued the updated regulations for the 2024-2025 school year. Please click below to view the new regulations:
View the Dual Enrollment Funding Cap and Accelerated Career Diploma (SB2: Option B) Regulations: DE Board Rule.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual Enrollment is a process through which a high school student takes one or more courses from an approved state public or private post-secondary institution and receives credit at both the high school and the post-secondary institution.
2. What are some benefits of the Dual Enrollment Program?
- Eases the transition from high school to the post-secondary environment
- Provides students an early start on their college/technical careers
- Offers meaningful and challenging academic experiences to qualified students
- Provides early college opportunities for students to participate who normally would not attend college
- Students have flexible scheduling opportunities during school, after school and/or online.
- College tuition and expenses are fully or mostly paid in full which saves parents and students money
- Reduces post secondary course requirements and attendance
3. Where can I take Dual Enrollment courses?
Dual Enrollment courses can be taken on a college campus, online or at the Academy for Advanced Studies.
4. Who do I contact if I want my child to be a Dual Enrollment student?
The law requires a conference with your child’s high school counselor to ensure eligibility.
5. Is transportation provided for students between the high school and AAS?
Bus transportation is provided for students between AAS and the student's high school. The bus will only run in the morning. No transportation will be provided directly from a student’s residence. Students who choose to drive a privately owned vehicles may obtain an AAS parking pass by presenting a parking pass from their home school.
6. Will Dual Enrollment affect my HOPE cap?
No. Students who have reached the Dual Enrollment Funding Cap may be eligible for HOPE Grant and HOPE Career Grant Programs as a "bridge" to additional funding. Courses approved for DE will not count against the cap for the HOPE scholarship.
7. Can I still participate in sports or other extra-curricular activities at my high school?
Yes, however, in some cases, course schedules and requirements may prevent you from participating.
8. Can Dual Enrollment (DE) courses be taken during the summer?
Yes, DE courses may be taken during the summer. A participation agreement, for the Summer Term, must be completed, followed by an advisement meeting with your high school counselor.
9. Do students have to complete a FAFSA?
No, FAFSAs are not required for DE students, if the student is under age 18. However, if the student is age 18 at the beginning of the term or will turn 18 during the term funding is sought, the student may have to complete a FAFSA.
10. Will college credits earned in high school transfer to all colleges and universities?
College credits may or may not transfer, depending on the college/university, the course taken and/or the programs of study requirements. Check with the specific college before registration to see what courses will transfer.
11. What happens to a student who drops or withdraws from a dual course?
Dropping or withdrawing from a dual enrollment course will cause the student loose those perspective college credits and possibly receive a failing grade on their high school transcript. Dropping a course could affect the following: graduation requirements, class rank, and grade point average. Please see HCS DE Checklist for additional information.
12. Who is responsible for notifying the high school if a student withdraws/drops any their dual enrollment course(s) during the semester/quarter?
The student has the responsibility of contacting both the college and the high school counselor immediately, if the student is making the decision to drop, withdraw or change any dual courses. This decision may have serious consequences affecting: the student’s ability to graduate on time, the Grade Point Average (GPA), and continuation in the Dual Enrollment Program.
Additional Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the Georgia Student Finance Commission's Dual Enrollment FAQ.