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Middle School Program

The World Languages Department is proud to announce 13 years of success for our Middle School Program for High School credit in Henry County School District. Currently, Spanish is the language offered at our middle schools as a Connections course and Level 1 High School course. The goal for the World Languages Middle School Curriculum is to develop Georgia language learners that possess strong Interpersonal Communication, Presentational Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Listening, and Interpretive Reading skills in the areas of "Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities." Georgia language learners will be able to apply the World Languages skills acquired beyond the instructional setting in order "to bring a global competence to their future careers and experiences."  The Middle School World Languages Program was developed in alignment to the Georgia Department of Education recommendation for Middle School World Languages Programs and follows the ACTFL World Readiness Standards that align with the World Languages Georgia Performance Standards. Visit the link below to the HCS Middle School World Languages Program Guide to learn more about the Spanish Middle School Programs offered in Henry County School District.