International Skills Diploma Seal
Seven Henry County High Schools Receive Approval to Award the Georgia Department of Education International Skills Diploma Seal
- 3 Years of World Language courses and/or ESOL
- 4 International Focus Courses
- 4 Extra-Curricular Actitivies with International Focus
- 20 Hours of Community Service/Service Learning with International Focus
- Capstone Presentation on Global Experiences
For more information on ISDS requirements please reach out to the high school's World Languages Department Chair.
"It is my pleasure to inform you that your school has been approved to award the International Skills Diploma Seal to qualifying seniors beginning 2015-2016 school year. The Global Skills Committee was very impressed with your application."
Information for high schools wishing to apply for ISDS
The following is the timeline and links to online forms for additional high school that wish to apply for the seal for the first time and also the link for approved schools to turn in credentials for students and are requesting seals for graduation. The ISDS School Application needs to be turned in to Mr. Patrick Wallace, World Languages and Global Workforce Initiatives Program Specialist though e-mail and ISDS Seal Requests for graduates need to be requested through the online form in the link below:
December 15: Deadline for schools to apply to become eligible to award the International Skills Diploma Seals to qualifying graduating high school seniors. ISDS School Application: ISDS School Application Due December 15. Email to: Email:
February 1: Schools notified of application status
April 15: Schools evaluate credentials of interested candidates and report list of qualifying candidates to GaDoE using the ISDS Seal Requests link.
May: Schools award the International Skills Diploma Seal.
First Week of May: Henry County Schools World Languages Senior Awards Ceremony