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EmpowerHCS Student Learning Device Program

empowerHCS wordmark with tagline Powering Personalized Learning


Henry County Schools is committed to ensuring success for each student and creating student agency through personalized learning opportunities is an essential part of that vision. The “EmpowerHCS” program is designed to support and enable this vision by providing the resources and support necessary for student and teacher success. As a component of this support, students will receive learning devices and access to a digital learning environment. We believe these tools will serve as yet another powerful learning resource in support of authentic learning experiences, 21st Century skills development (communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking), learner profiles, and opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of core Henry County Teaching and Learning Standards. 


The EmpowerHCS Learning Device Program seeks to support personalized learning by focusing on achieving the following goals for our learners and community:
  1. Increase access to anywhere, anytime learning opportunities for all students
  2. Cultivate student agency by sparking student curiosity, imagination, and innovation
  3. Improve student use and acquisition of 21st Century and Digital Citizenship Skills
  4. Promote student mastery of Henry County Teaching and Learning Standards
  5. Transform instructional practices through the use of appropriate technology to enhance learning 
  6. Elevate academic rigor, student engagement, and authentic learning experiences across all subject areas
  7. Leverage high quality digital resources, such as, textbooks, scholarly sources, content rich media, and apps that are aligned to HCS Teaching and Learning Standards
  8. Provide a safe and positive digital learning environment for all students