Teacher Certification Pathways
Professional Qualifications
The following is required for individuals who are seeking employment, but who have not met the qualifications of a non-renewable certificate issued by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC):
- Hold a Bachelor’s degree in the field or a related field (2.5 GPA or higher)
- Have relevant coursework or experience in the field and/or related field
- Pass the appropriate GACE II assessment
Upon recommendation from a Henry County Schools administrator, Human Resource Services will create an Individual Certification Plan (ICP) outlining which qualifications must be met within the academic year to fulfill the eligibility requirements for a non-renewable certificate issued by GaPSC.
It is the expectation of Henry County Schools that all educators will hold provisional certification, at a minimum.
Traditional Certification
Tiered Certification — issued by GaPSC:
- Induction Pathway 1 (IN1): Issued to individuals who completed a traditional educator preparation program in Georgia.
- Induction Pathway 2 (IN2): Issued to individuals who completed a traditional program out-of-state, but completed student teaching in Georgia.
- Induction Pathway 3 (IN3): Issued to individuals who completed all parts of an out-of-state educator preparation program, but who do not qualify for a professional certificate.
- Induction Pathway 4 (IN4): Issued to individuals who have not completed an educator preparation program. This certificate is is-sued to those who have met the minimum qualifications for a non-renewable certificate.
Non-Renewable Certification
The following is required for issuance of a non-renewable certificate issued by Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC):
- Hold a Bachelor’s Degree (2.5 GPA or higher)
- Pass the GACE Program Admissions or meet exemption through SAT, ACT, or GRE scores
- Have passing scores on the GACE content assessment for area/subject(s) taught
- Complete the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment—Program Entry (350)
After meeting the above qualifications, the candidate is eligible for an IN4 certificate issued by GaPSC. An approved program must be completed within a three-year time period.
Most candidates choose to complete GaTAPP or an approved educator preparation program leading to initial teacher certification.
For more information regarding GaTAPP, please contact Griffin RESA at 770-229-3247.
Becoming a Paraprofessional
- Minimum of High School Diploma or GED required. (See note below)
- Hold or be eligible for a valid Georgia Paraprofessional Certificate is-sued by the Professional Standards Commission.
Note: Applicants with a high school diploma, GED, or who have earned less than 60 semester or 90 quarter hours (with a C or better) of college credits are required to pass the GACE Paraprofessional Assessment to be qualified for consideration as a Paraprofessional. Click here to register for this assessment.
Applicants who have earned 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours of college or have earned an associate's degree or higher are not required to take the GACE Paraprofessional Assessment.
Becoming a Substitute Teacher
Substitute Teachers must be 21 years of age. The minimum requirement is a High School Diploma or a GED. A Bachelor’s Degree or higher and is preferred. A substitute teacher with less than an associate’s degree or 90 hours of college credit is required to take and pass the GACE Paraprofessional Assessment.
Learn more about this partnership and how to become a substitute teacher for HCS.
For more information regarding GACE testing, visit www.gace.ets.org. For more information regarding teacher certification, visit www.gapsc.com.