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Retirees Return to Work

The recently passed Georgia House Bill 385 allow retirees to return to the classroom in a high needs areas as defined by RESA. Our identified current high need areas include Math, Science and Special Education. Below are a few stipulations to HB 385:

  • The retiree MUST notify the potential employer of their status as a TRS benefit recipient.
  • Must have a minimum of 30 years of creditable service on account at retirement (29 years plus one year sick leave equate to 30 years).
  • Must have been retired and NOT have been “restored to service” for a minimum of one year. Being “restored to service” can result either when a retiree has suspended their benefits OR terminated their benefits. A retiree who has been working at 49% or less is NOT considered restored to service.
  • Must be in a teaching position in K-12 and in a high needs area as defined by the relevant RESA.

If you are a retiree and interested in gaining employment through HB385 in one of the identified high needs areas, please contact our Recruitment and Retention office at 770-957-6601 or by email at