The mission of the Henry County School’s Advisement and Counseling Program is to provide comprehensive school counseling programs that meet the social/emotional, academic, and college/career/life readiness for each student in a personalized learning environment; therefore, reducing barriers to achievement while creating an equitable program for all students. It is the mission of our programs to assist in fostering increased idea generation, inspire positive global and community impact, develop our nation’s next leaders, and strengthen their ability to become emotionally equipped to weather an ever-changing society.
The vision of Henry County Professional School Counselor Programs is to implement a standards-based and data-driven comprehensive school counseling program that meets the needs of each student while working in a collaborative partnership with students, staff, family, and community members to foster a safe, secure, and supportive environment. Thus, preparing our students to become effective life-long learners, achieve post-secondary success, and develop into 21st century contributing members of an evolving work force.
Professional School Counselors in HCS will implement Comprehensive Action Plans that:
Include a curriculum addressing the needs of all students in the domains of academic, social/emotional, and career development.
Provide specialized interventions based on identified student needs.
Assist students in acquiring appropriate attitudes, knowledge, and communication skills to promote healthy relationships.
Assist students in developing skills and competencies necessary to complement the academic curriculum and impact a positive school climate.
Enhance the ability of students to identify and utilize the appropriate resources needed for post-secondary success.
Create positive relationships with students, fostering personal growth, service to others, and academic achievement.
Advocate for all students encourage them to develop to their fullest potential.
Encourage counselors to consult and collaborate with other educators, parents, and the community on behalf of all students.
Counselors provide crisis intervention and serve as a community liaison.
Advisement and Counseling Strategic Plan Development and Implementation
In order to achieve the mission of Advisement and Counseling, the Student Services Department by the year 2026 will:
Provide effective and relevant staff development that will further the mission of the Henry County School District based upon needs identified by surveys, student achievement data, and research-based programs.
Monitor and analyze data: monthly reports, student achievement on standardized assessments, course enrollment, graduation rates and examine impact of school counseling services.
Promote and facilitate K-12 collaboration among counselors.
Develop and implement consistent, effective, and efficient strategies for all counseling programs (i.e. transcription, sharing best practices).
Support local school personnel: counseling consultation, crisis management, graduation requirements, data management and organization, and legal issues.
Support new counselors through mentoring sessions, school visits and ongoing training.
Support Advisement Programs: staff development, materials sharing, and identification of best practices.
HCS Professional School counselors will remove barriers to students’ academic achievements and promote a safe and secure environment by providing developmentally appropriate counseling services based on best practices, including:
Individual counseling/planning, small group counseling, large and small group guidance, core curriculum lessons, and parent and teacher consultation.
Coordinating school-wide programs and collaborating with local school and community-based professionals to enhance student success.
Utilizing legal and ethical practices at all times.
Continuously improving counseling skills and services through participation in local school staff development, central office staff development, conferences, National Certification, and graduate degrees.
Utilizing data to monitor and improve student growth and achievement, which drives counseling and school-wide planning.
Efficiently and effectively managing resources (data, materials, finances, personnel).
Advocating for and providing services to all students regardless of ability level, ethnicity, gender, race or socioeconomic status.