Dual Enrollment Information
Henry County Schools hosted the annual Dual Enrollment Informational Night virtually on January 16th, 2025. There were two sessions available for families to attend 5:00-6:00 pm OR 6:30-7:30 pm. All students in grades 8 through 11, and their parents/guardians, were welcome to attend one of the sessions designed to give detailed information pertaining to earning college credit while still in high school.
Post-secondary education partners such as Clayton State University, Georgia Tech, Southern Crescent Technical College, Gordon State College, along with the Georgia Department of Education presented to provide information as well.
Dual Enrollment Presentation January 2025
Cloud Recording - Passcode: g5^XkVz7
If you have any questions regarding the Dual Enrollment Night Information, please email scholarships@henry.k12.ga.us. If you would like to enroll in Dual Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year, please email your school counselor for an appointment.
Dual Enrollment FAQs (HCS)
Frequently Asked Questions
Dual Enrollment is a process through which a high school student takes one or more courses from an approved state public or private post-secondary institution and receives credit at both the high school and the post-secondary institution.
2. What are some benefits of the Dual Enrollment Program?
• Eases the transition from high school to the post-secondary environment
• Provides students an early start on their college/technical careers
• Offers meaningful and challenging academic experiences to qualified students
• Provides early college opportunities for students to participate who normally would not attend college
• Students have flexible scheduling opportunities during school, after school and/or online.
• College tuition and expenses are fully or mostly paid in full which saves parents and students money
• Reduces post secondary course requirements and attendance
3. Where can I take Dual Enrollment courses?
Dual Enrollment courses can be taken on a college campus, online or at the Academy for Advanced Studies.
4. Who do I contact if I want my child to be a Dual Enrollment student?
The law requires a conference with your child’s high school counselor to ensure eligibility.
5. Is transportation provided for students between the high school and AAS?
Bus transportation is provided for students between AAS and the student's high school. The bus will only run in the morning. No transportation will be provided directly from a student’s residence. Students who choose to drive a privately owned vehicles may obtain an AAS parking pass by presenting a parking pass from their home school.
6. Will Dual Enrollment affect my HOPE cap?
No. Students who have reached the Dual Enrollment Funding Cap may be eligible for HOPE Grant and HOPE Career Grant Programs as a "bridge" to additional funding. Courses approved for DE will not count against the cap for the HOPE scholarship.
7. Can I still participate in sports or other extra-curricular activities at my high school?
Yes, however, in some cases, course schedules and requirements may prevent you from participating.
8. Can Dual Enrollment (DE) courses be taken during the summer?
Yes, DE courses may be taken during the summer. A participation agreement, for the Summer Term, must be completed, followed by an advisement meeting with your high school counselor.
9. Do students have to complete a FAFSA?
No, FAFSAs are not required for DE students, if the student is under age 18. However, if the student is age 18 at the beginning of the term or will turn 18 during the term funding is sought, the student may have to complete a FAFSA.
10. Will college credits earned in high school transfer to all colleges and universities?
College credits may or may not transfer, depending on the college/university, the course taken and/or the programs of study requirements. Check with the specific college before registration to see what courses will transfer.
11. What happens to a student who drops or withdraws from a dual course?
Dropping or withdrawing from a dual enrollment course will cause the student loose those perspective college credits and possibly receive a failing grade on their high school transcript. Dropping a course could affect the following: graduation requirements, class rank, and grade point average. Please see HCS DE Checklist for additional information.
12. Who is responsible for notifying the high school if a student withdraws/drops any their dual enrollment course(s) during the semester/quarter?
The student has the responsibility of contacting both the college and the high school counselor immediately, if the student is making the decision to drop, withdraw or change any dual courses. This decision may have serious consequences affecting: the student’s ability to graduate on time, the Grade Point Average (GPA), and continuation in the Dual Enrollment Program.
The Dual Enrollment Program sponsored by the Georgia Student Finance Authority has issued the updated regulations for the 2024-2025 school year. Please click below to view the new regulations:
2024-2025 Dual Enrollment Regulations
Please click here to download the New Dual Enrollment Rule /HB 444 Dual Enrollment Changes/HB 444
Please click the following link to view the Dual Enrollment Funding Cap and Accelerated Career Diploma (SB2: Option B) Regulations: DE Board Rule
Step-by-Step Guide
Math FAQs
Dual Enrollment Math Frequently Asked Questions
The Georgia Department of Education has provided a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding Dual Enrollment Mathematics. Please click here to access the DE Mathematics FAQ.
1. What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual Enrollment is a program that provides funding for students at eligible high schools that are enrolled to take approved college-level coursework for credit towards both high school and college graduation requirements. Dual Enrollment is a program that allows any eligible high school student, including home school and private school students and students with disabilities, to take postsecondary coursework and simultaneously earn credit towards a high school diploma, a technical college certificate, an industry certification or an associate or baccalaureate degree at a Georgia public or eligible private postsecondary institution. Dual Enrollment is one of a number of acceleration options available that enable students to pursue a rigorous curriculum for high school graduation, as well as earn credit towards a degree or industry certification. The goal of Dual Enrollment is to increase college access and completion and prepare students to enter the workforce with the skills they need to succeed.
The Dual Enrollment admissions requirements for the University System of Georgia (USG) Institutions can be found here: USG DE Admission Requirements. Dual Enrollment information for the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) can be found here: Dual Enrollment at TCSG. Dual Enrollment Information for the Georgia Independent College Association can be found here: http://www.georgiacolleges.org/media/de.
2. How do the Dual Enrollment mathematics course codes align to the high school mathematics courses that are required to graduate?
Effective Summer 2016, the Dual Enrollment Program offers postsecondary degree level and professional diploma level course options in mathematics. Approved postsecondary courses for dual enrollment are listed in the Dual Enrollment Approved Course Directory located on GAfutures.org. Select dual enrollment courses have been approved to satisfy the fourth mathematics requirement for high school graduation. The high school course numbers attached to the Dual Enrollment courses are unique codes which identify the course name and post-secondary institution where the course was completed. Course matching to high school courses will no longer be needed; dual enrollment high school course codes should be used on the high school transcript in lieu of the high school course numbers listed in the IDA(3) list of state-funded high school course catalog.
3. Which high school mathematics requirements may be satisfied through the Dual Enrollment program?
Once Advanced Algebra/Algebra II has been completed, students should choose a fourth mathematics course option based on their post-secondary and career aspirations (STEM vs. non-STEM careers). The Mathematics Graduation Requirement Guidance Document provides guidance on selecting an appropriate fourth course option. In addition to select high school courses, the fourth mathematics requirement may also be completed through the Dual Enrollment program. If a student is interested in Dual Enrollment, he/she should first contact their high school counselor to discuss the college courses that have the rigor necessary to satisfy the fourth mathematics requirement for high school graduation and to receive appropriate guidance based on their major and post-secondary plans.
4. Which college mathematics courses may be taken through the Dual Enrollment program?
Only those mathematics courses that appear in the Dual Enrollment Approved Course Directory found on the GAfutures website may be taken through Dual Enrollment. Post-secondary institutions will assist with college-level Dual Enrollment course descriptions. All students must meet postsecondary admissions and course prerequisite requirements. While it may vary by college, test scores may be used to determine the appropriate placement. In some cases, this may be the same test scores used for admissions, but some colleges may require students to take a separate placement test. In addition, some college courses require the successful completion of a prerequisite college course or courses. Finally, since some college courses may be designed for students in specific majors, the college may consider a Dual Enrollment student’s academic goals when determining appropriate placement. Additional guidance can also be found in the GSFC FAQs.
5. What should be listed on a student’s transcript when they enroll in and successfully complete an approved Dual Enrollment mathematics course?
The student’s high school transcript must be an accurate record of the courses actually taken through the Dual Enrollment program. High school counselors are not expected to match high school course names with college courses since Dual Enrollment mathematics courses have unique course codes and authentic course titles. The Dual Enrollment course listed on the student’s record should match the course name and code found in the Dual Enrollment Approved Course Directory located on GAfutures.org. It is important for the student’s academic record to be an accurate reflection of the courses actually completed by students.
6. Are Dual Enrollment courses awarded core or elective credit?
Approved Dual Enrollment mathematics courses can meet mathematics requirements for graduation once the student has completed Algebra II/Advanced Algebra. Some Dual Enrollment courses are awarded core mathematics credit whereas some courses are awarded mathematics elective credit. Courses that include content beyond Algebra II/Advanced Algebra may be used to meet the fourth core mathematics requirement for graduation.
7. Will students pursuing the High School Postsecondary Graduation Opportunity per the 2015 Senate Bill 2 be required to have more than two high school core mathematics credits?
Mathematics courses may be embedded in a postsecondary program or major as a required course.
The O.C.G.A. 20-2-149.2 (2015 Senate Bill 2) states that a local board of education may award a high school diploma to a student enrolled in coursework at a post-secondary institution if the following criteria are met:
a. Student has completed at least the following state required ninth and tenth grade level high school courses: two English courses, two mathematics courses, two science courses, two social studies courses, and one health and physical education course; and any state required tests associated with any such courses;
b. Student has received a score of admission acceptable on the readiness assessment required by the postsecondary institution; and
c. Student has completed: (i) an associate degree program; (ii) a technical college diploma program and all postsecondary academic education and technical education and training prerequisites for any state, national, or industry occupational certifications or licenses required to work in the field; or (iii) at least two technical college certificate of credit programs in one specific career pathway and all postsecondary academic education and technical education and training prerequisites for any state, national, or industry occupational certifications or licenses required to work in the field as determined by the Technical College System of Georgia.
8. Can diploma-level mathematics courses at TCSG institutions be used for a required core mathematics credit for high school?
No. Diploma-level courses may be awarded mathematics elective credit; however, the TCSG diploma-level courses will not meet high school mathematics graduation requirements.
9. How will the Dual Enrollment program impact students relative to NCAA eligibility?
NCAA requires students to complete 16 core courses, including three years of mathematics (Algebra 1 or higher). Students who earn mathematics core credits in the three courses required by the Georgia Graduation Rule, Algebra I or Coordinate Algebra, Geometry or Analytic Geometry, and Algebra II or Advanced Algebra, for a total of three core credits, will meet eligibility requirements for NCAA. To earn a high school diploma in Georgia, students need to earn core credit in four mathematics courses for graduation. Courses completed through the Dual Enrollment program that go beyond Algebra II/Advanced Algebra to satisfy the student’s fourth mathematics graduation requirement may also satisfy requirements for NCAA eligibility.
10. Since Algebra II/Advanced Algebra must be completed at the high school, is it unlikely that juniors are able to participate in Dual Enrollment full-time?
No. Some juniors will be eligible to take college level mathematics coursework. Talented mathematics students are often provided the opportunity to begin high school mathematics coursework in middle school in an accelerated or advanced sequence or in ninth grade in an accelerated level sequence. Students also have the option of completing Georgia Virtual courses for acceleration. These students will have completed Algebra II/Advanced Algebra prior to their eleventh-grade year in high school and will, therefore, be prepared for college level Dual Enrollment mathematics coursework at that time.
11. Would students on an accelerated math sequence be eligible for Dual Enrollment mathematics courses in their junior year?
Yes. Students enrolled in an accelerated sequence of mathematics courses who begin high school coursework in middle school may be eligible for Dual Enrollment mathematics courses in either 10th or 11th grade, depending upon their course sequence; those who begin accelerated high school coursework in 9th grade are eligible in the 11th grade once they have completed Advanced Algebra/Algebra II. All students must meet postsecondary admissions and course prerequisite requirements.
12. Is it accurate to conclude that all high school students must take Algebra I or Coordinate Algebra, Geometry or Analytic Geometry and Algebra II or Advanced Algebra (or the equivalents) and that only the fourth mathematics credit can be earned at the post-secondary institution?
This is accurate for the majority of students, but not all. Students who enter high school having completed high school mathematics course(s) without the credit showing on the high school transcript and proceed to earn credit for Algebra II or Advanced Algebra (or its equivalent) early in their high school career can continue their acceleration into college/university by earning more than the fourth mathematics credit at the post-secondary institution. In general, students can fulfill mathematics requirements through the Dual Enrollment Program after receiving credit for Algebra II or Advanced Algebra. However, when students complete high school mathematics courses prior to ninth grade or through acceleration options, they may begin to take mathematics courses through the Dual Enrollment program earlier, which would allow them to earn several core mathematics credits at the postsecondary institution. Also, eligible students pursuing the High School Postsecondary Graduation Opportunity associated with the O.C.G.A. 20-2-149.2 (2015 Senate Bill 2) and State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.34 DUAL ENROLLMENT - MOVE ON WHEN READY may meet specific criteria to satisfy graduation requirements. Students may choose to enroll in Dual Enrollment mathematics courses for elective credit, as well.
13. Is there a COLLEGE-level course that is equivalent to the Algebra II or Advanced Algebra high school course?
No, because students are prepared for college level mathematics courses only after they have mastered the college readiness standards which culminate in Advanced Algebra or Algebra II. Neither College Algebra nor any other college course has been approved as an equivalent of Algebra II/Advanced Algebra. Algebra II or Advanced Algebra is required for high school graduation.
14. Will students who are applying to participate in Dual Enrollment need to take Algebra I/Coordinate Algebra, Geometry/Analytic Geometry, and Algebra II/Advanced Algebra at the local high school?
Yes. With the exception of students participating in the High School Postsecondary Graduation Opportunity (SB2), students will need credit in Algebra I OR Coordinate Algebra, Geometry OR Analytic Geometry, Algebra II OR Advanced Algebra, and a fourth mathematics course option to meet high school mathematics graduation requirements. For eligible students based on district requirements, some of these courses can be taken in middle school, which provides more options for students to take higher level courses in high school. Each of these course requirements are also offered in virtual programs, such as Georgia Virtual School, for students who prefer or require that option. The fourth course option can be an approved Dual Enrollment course.
15. Can College Algebra be used as an equivalent for Advanced Algebra or Algebra II for high school graduation requirements?
No. Students should have already completed Algebra II/Advanced Algebra or its equivalent. College Algebra is not an equivalent of Advanced Algebra or Algebra II. The Mathematics Graduation Requirement Guidance Document references equivalent courses.
“NOTE: Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A and Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra include the standards of Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Advanced Algebra. At the present time, these are the only equivalent courses for Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Advanced Algebra. Accelerated Algebra I/Geometry A and Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II include the standards of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. At the present time, these are the only equivalent courses for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.”
It is important to note that College Algebra has not been approved (nor any other college mathematics course) as an equivalent to meet the high school graduation requirement of Advanced Algebra or Algebra II.
16. Can a student participate in Dual Enrollment mathematics coursework after only completing Algebra I/ Coordinate Algebra and Geometry/Analytic Geometry?
No. Georgia students are prepared for college-level mathematics courses once they have mastered college readiness standards which culminate in Advanced Algebra or Algebra II. For that reason, there are no Dual Enrollment course equivalents for Algebra II/Advanced Algebra approved. Algebra II or Advanced Algebra is required to meet high school mathematics graduation requirements.
This document was developed in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Education, the University System of Georgia, the Technical College System of Georgia, the Georgia Independent College Association, and the Georgia Mathematics Advisory Council.
Partnering Colleges
Click on the links below to review college specific requirements and application information for dual enrollment.
Clayton State University Dual Enrollment
Georgia State College Dual Enrollment
Gordon College Dual Enrollment
Grading Criteria
Dual Enrollment Grading Criteria
Letter/Alpha grades assigned by the post-secondary institution on the student’s official Dual Enrollment Transcript will be converted to a numeric grade in accordance with the district’s conversion chart located in the Henry County Schools Student and Parent Handbook.
If the Dual Enrollment grade from the participating college/university transcript reflects a W, WF, or WD, a F will be added to the student's high school transcript and will reflect as 55% for the withdrawn course. Please see the Dual Enrollment grade conversion chart in the Henry County Schools Student & Parent Handbook (see below).
Transcripts from the Dual Enrollment Institutions are delivered to the high school counselor with alpha grades (A, B, C, etc). The high school counselor will transcribe the alpha grades to numeric grades as follows:
Letter Grade |
Numerical Equivalent |
Letter Grade |
Numerical Equivalent |
Letter Grade |
Numerical Equivalent |
Letter Grade |
Numerical Equivalent |
Letter Grade |
Numerical Equivalent |
A+ | 98 | B+ | 88 | C+ | 78 | D+ | 73 | F | 55 |
A | 95 | B | 85 | C | 75 | D | 71 | W, WF,WD |
55 |
A- | 93 | B- | 83 | C- | 74 | D- | 70 |
Are there additional points added to DE grades?
The District’s grading regulation Grading Systems IHA-R for all students, including DE students can be found at the following links: Grading Regulation: IHA-R(1) and Grading Regulation: IHA-R(2).
EOC Testing
The Georgia Department of Education has updated the EOC/Milestones requirements beginning with the 2020-2021 School Year. The new EOC testing requirements for Dual Enrollment Students are below:
- End of Course (EOC) requirement for Dual Enrollment Students:
- These provisions are effective beginning with the 2020-2021 School Year.
- Students enrolled in the Dual Enrollment (DE) or Advanced Placement (AP) version of EOC-required courses in ELA, Math, and Science will no longer be exempt from taking the associated EOC.
Click here to view the Georgia Milestones EOC Courses for 2021-22. DE students taking the associated course must take the EOC as part of the course requirement. The EOC will count 20% of the DE student's final grade. Click here for additional details regarding this state rule.
- The table below provides an overview of the EOC that is eligible for exemption and those that are not eligible.
Required of All Students |
Allowed Exemption |
American Literature and Composition |
None |
Coordinate Algebra or Algebra I |
None |
Us History |
Dual Enrollment (DE) and Advanced Placement (AP) Students |
Biology |
None |
Dual Enrollment Options: Option A and Accelerated Career Diploma (formerly Option B)
Please speak with your counselor for more information about the Dual Enrollment options. Please click here for additional information:
DE Option A vs Acceleration Career Diploma
Dual Enrollment Option A Requirements
1. An eligible high school student shall meet the following requirements, pursuant to O.C.G.A § 20-2-161.3, in order to be awarded a high school diploma:
(i) Receives a score of admission acceptable on the readiness assessment required by the eligible postsecondary institution.
(ii) Earns a secondary credit in State Board identified high school courses that culminate in a state administered end-of-course assessment in each of the following subject areas: English/language arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Eligible high school students must participate in the appropriate end-of-course assessment. (I) However, State Board of Education Rule 160-3-1-.07 TESTING PROGRAMS – STUDENT ASSESSMENT (2)(j)1 establishes certain exemptions from end-of-course assessments.
(iii) Earns one secondary credit in health and physical education.
(iv) Completes approved postsecondary courses that satisfy high school graduation requirements.
(v) Earns the requisite credits required by State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2- .48 High School Graduation Requirements for Students Enrolling in the Ninth Grade for the First Time in the 2008-09 School Year and Subsequent Years.
Dual Enrollment Accelerated Career Diploma (formerly Option B) Requirements
(g) Dual Enrollment Option B Requirements
1. An eligible high school student shall meet the following requirements, pursuant to O.C.G.A § 20-2-149.2, in order to be awarded a high school diploma:
(i) Receives a score of admission acceptable on the readiness assessment required by the eligible postsecondary institution.
(ii) Earns two secondary credits in state required ninth and tenth grade level high school courses or their equivalent: two English courses, two mathematics courses, two science courses, and two social studies courses; and any state required tests associated with any such course.
(I) Students pursuing a high school diploma according to the provisions of (2)(g) of this rule must successfully complete and pass the following courses and participate in the specified end-of-course assessments: Algebra I or Coordinate Algebra, and Biology. Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, students pursuing a high school diploma according to the provisions of (2)(g) of this rule must also successfully complete and pass American Literature and Composition and participate in the specified end-of-course assessment.
(iii) Earns one secondary credit in health and physical education.
(iv) Completes one of the following postsecondary requirements:
(I) An associate degree program; or
(II) A technical college diploma program and all postsecondary academic education and technical education and training prerequisites for any state, national, or industry occupational certifications or licenses required to work in the field; or
(III) At least two technical college certificate of credit programs in one specific career pathway and all postsecondary academic education and technical education and training prerequisites for any state, national, or industry occupational certifications or licenses required to work in the field as determined by the Technical College System of Georgia.
(v) A student who meets the requirements of sections (2)(g) 1. (i) through (iv) shall be deemed to have met all graduation requirements of the State Board of Education and shall not be subject to any courses or assessments otherwise required for purposes of graduation.
(h) No local school system that receives funding under the Quality Basic Education Act shall exclude eligible high school students taking one or more dual credit courses pursuant to this Code section from eligibility determinations for valedictorian and salutatorian of a participating eligible high school; provided, however, that this shall 5 not apply to a student who moves into the local school system after tenth grade and has not taken any courses on site at the participating eligible high school.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 20-2-149.2 and 20-2-161.3
Adopted: March 25, 2021 Effective: April 14, 2021