Dual Enrollment
What is Dual Enrollment and Where Do I Start?
Georgia’s Dual Enrollment Program provides funding for students who are dually enrolled at a participating eligible public or private high school, or home study program in Georgia, and a participating eligible postsecondary institution in Georgia. These students take postsecondary coursework for credit towards both high school graduation or home study completion and postsecondary degree, diploma, or certificate requirements. The program is offered during all terms of the school year: fall, spring and summer semester or fall, winter, spring and summer quarter.
Georgia Department of Education Dual Enrollment
Georgia Futures Dual Enrollment Guidelines
Dual Enrollment Presentation January 2025
Cloud Recording - Passcode: g5^XkVz7
Henry County Schools' Dual Enrollment Checklist
Take the “Are You Ready for "Dual Enrollment quiz. Click here for the quiz.
The law requires that you conference with your high school counselor before being approved to participate in the Dual Enrollment Program.
During the initial meeting with your school counselor, you will be required to complete the Dual Enrollment Checklist.
After being accepted/admitted to the Dual Enrollment Program of your choice, you and your parent/guardian will be required to complete The Dual Enrollment Funding Application/Participation Agreement found on the GAFutures Website.
Once the Dual Enrollment Participation Agreement is completed by the student and guardian on the GAFutures Website, it is time to meet with your high school counselor for your Dual Enrollment Advisement Meeting to select the courses to be taken at your Dual Enrollment Institution.