College and Career Advising Planning Tips
Grades 6-8
- All 8th graders should create a Individual Graduation Plan
- Middle School students will receive lessons pertaining to college and career planning (i.e. Bridge Bill Law,, college tours).
Grades 9-10
- Students will receive advisement regarding step-by-step planning to navigate the college process
- Students will review their academic courses, GPA, and class rank and discuss all factors that contribute to college admission decisions.
- Students will be encouraged to search for summer jobs and internships that develop workplace habits and soft skills (non-cognitive skills), and that connect academic curriculum to careers.
- Student will be encouraged to sign up for college mailings, email forums, virtual campus tours, and social media groups to receive institution updates.
- Students will be encouraged to start planning early if they are interested in military academies.
- Students and families will be invited to attend parent nights with college financial aid officers to help families develop a college financial plan.
- Students will receive advisement on dual enrollment procedures and requirements.
- Students take career interest surveys and research educational requirements.
Grades 11-12
- Students are encouraged to begin with the end in mind.
- Students and families will be provided tools and resources to assist in communication with families, including newsletters, email websites, testing, and automated call outreach.
- Students will be able to receive information regarding access to testing practice tools and create a personalized study plan.
- Students will be assisted in choosing college majors and other postsecondary/career options.
Service/Military Academy Information