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Foreign Exchange Students

Henry County Schools benefit from the annual enrollment of international exchange students in our high schools. These students, coming to the U.S. through exchange programs agencies and approved by the Council on Standards for International Education Travel (CSIET), are here for a one-year stay with a host family.

After one year they return to school in their own country to complete their studies. The enrollment period is open from April 15th to June 15th for the upcoming school year. HCS does not enroll mid-year exchange students.

The Board of Education of Henry County will consider on a case-by-case basis whether or not an Exchange Student will be admitted into Henry County Schools.

The Superintendent or designee is authorized to establish administrative regulations for managing Exchange Student applications and related processes.

The links below will assist with an understanding of the process.

Mr. Conrad Blades

Language Access Facilitator | Language Services
770.957.3945 x04121

Diane Robins
Administrative Assistant
770.957.3945 x04133