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Wellness Policy

Henry County Schools Board Policy EEE: Wellness Program

The Henry County Board of Education recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students' well-being, growth, development and readiness to learn. The Board is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience. In a healthy school environment, students will learn about and participate in positive nutrition education. The Board recognizes the importance of a farm to school approach to support nutrition education, school gardens, and local farms. 

Nutrition Education and Promotion 

  1. Nutrition education will be provided in accordance to the Georgia state curriculum standards at all grade levels. Nutrition education may also be offered through before and after school programs.
  2. School Nutrition will incorporate nutrition education and promotion into school meal programs through monthly menus, posters, website links, signage, and other means when feasible.
  3. Schools will be encouraged to include health and wellness information into school newsletters and other marketing materials to promote student health.
  4. Local foods will be sourced, offered, and promoted to students as part of the school meal program at least once per month and when feasible.
  5. Schools will be encouraged to participate in farm to school activities such as school gardens, curriculum-based lessons, taste tests, cooking classes, farmer visits, events, promotions, trainings, and field trips that support local farms and local foods.
  6. School Nutrition will include web links that provide nutrition, farm to school, and wellness resources and information on the School Nutrition section of the Henry County School District Website.

Nutrition Standards for all Foods Available on School Campuses During the School Day 

  1. All schools will follow nutrition guidelines and federal regulations set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nutrition Standards for National School Meal Programs.
  2. All schools will adhere to Henry County Board Policy EED, Vending Machines, regarding competitive foods, fundraisers, and items of minimal nutritional value. This policy states that “all foods sold in Henry County School District will comply with USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. This rule applies to all foods sold during the school day, which begins at 12:01 a.m. and ends 30 minutes after the end of the scheduled school day.” The nutrition standards do not apply to foods and beverages sold at events held after school, off campus, or on weekends, such as school plays or sporting events.
  3. All schools are encouraged to choose healthy options and/or put limitations on unhealthy foods and beverages available, but not sold, to students during the school day for school celebrations, classroom parties, etc., although these options are not required to meet USDA nutrition standards.
  4. On school campuses, marketing for all foods and beverages available to students during the school day will meet the nutrition guidelines and regulations set forth by the USDA.
  5. The Henry County School System will discourage the use of food as a reward system.
  6. Students will be encouraged to participate in periodic “taste testing” of new, as well as current, menu items to promote school meals and to gauge student preferences.
  7. Fundraising activities on school campuses, during the school day, that compete with student appetites will be discouraged.
  8. Students with medically documented, special nutritional needs will be identified and served according to their individual needs in accordance to the USDA federal guidelines.

Physical Activity 

  1. Physical education and activity will be provided in accordance to the Georgia state curriculum standards at all grade levels. Physical education and opportunities for physical activity may also be offered through before and after school programs.
  2. Schools will be encouraged not to withhold opportunities for physical activity or recess from students as a consequence for inappropriate behavior or poor academic performance.
  3. Schools will be encouraged not to cancel physical education courses, recess, or other planned opportunities for physical activity in order to make up instructional time.
  4. Students will be encouraged to engage in activities such as “Jump Rope for Heart” and “Relay for Life” as well as other extracurricular activities that encourage physical activity.

Other School-Based Activities Designed to Promote Student Wellness 

  1. Students and staff members will be encouraged to practice good hand washing techniques.
  2. To the extent practicable, school nurses will be available to provide training for the purpose of promoting student health and wellness.
  3. After school programs will encourage physical activity and nutritious choices at snack time.
  4. School nutrition staff will follow the professional development standards set forth by the Georgia Department of Education. Opportunities for training and professional development will be shared online and/or through email and made available to all Henry County School District employees when feasible.

Implementation and Evaluation 

  1. The Henry County School District Wellness Policy will be reviewed periodically by a committee consisting of school system and community representatives. Implementation, compliance, and effectiveness of this policy will be reviewed. Participation in this progress will be open to the general public and school community through announced meetings of the Board of Education and/or any other related meeting opportunities.
  2. This policy and any approved updates will be available to the public on the Henry County Board of Education website.
  3. The Superintendent or designee will develop an evaluation summary report on district-wide compliance with this policy at least once every three years. This report shall be provided to the Board of Education and, upon request, to interested parties.

To learn more about wellness implementation, contact the School Nutrition Department. Community stakeholders may add input on the wellness policy by attending BOE meetings when wellness is on the agenda and/or wellness committee meetings, and/or submit input/questions to Click here to view: the local school wellness policy model policy comparison and the triennial assessment.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.