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A school system’s budget serves as an operational plan, stated in financial terms, for carrying out the mission of the school district. In accordance with Georgia law and State Board of Education policy, a budget for the Henry County School system is prepared annually and submitted to the Henry County Board of Education for approval. 

School system financials are governed by governmental accounting standards. These standards organize accounting on a fund basis, which allows unique tracking of revenues and expenditures for specific purposes. The Henry County Board of Education adopts its budget at the aggregate fund level as summarized below.

Fund Overview

Board Policy DC – Annual Operating Budget states: (1) budgets will be prepared by the Superintendent and adopted annually by the BoE; (2) budgetary control exists at the aggregate fund level.  HCS’ aggregate fund levels include the:

General Fund: Accounts for the daily operations of the district. Key inputs considered in design of revenues and expenditures include:

  • New legislative activity and state budget;
  • Enrollment & revenue projections;
  • Personnel allotments;
  • Strategic Action Plan and Priorities;
  • Community inputs; and
  • Department/school budget recommendations and operational growth

Special Revenue Fund: Accounts for awards/grants for designated purposes (e.g., Title)  and enterprise activities of the district (e.g., SNP or BASE). Historical experience utilized for budget development of awards/grants; student enrollment/participation data factored in to enterprise estimates.  

Capital Projects Fund: Comprised of the current year anticipated E-SPLOST revenues and expenditures for approved referendums and associated projects

Debt Service Fund: Developed in consideration of obligations due per schedule

FY26 Budget Development

The development of a school system's budget results in allocations of funding to accomplish stated goals.

For Henry County Schools, budget development typically begins in December with review and analysis of historical trends, strategic priorities, and enrollment forecasts. The launch of state legislative activity in January and the monitoring of State and local activity through March support revenue forecasting, that then informs the school system’s expenditure capacity. Collaborative inputs from school leaders, district leaders, and the community are obtained to inform expense planning. Georgia law requires the Superintendent to recommend a balanced budget for action by the governing school board. Tentative presentation of a proposed budget and final adoption of a proposed budget must be accomplished by June 30 annually.  

Historical Budgets