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FY25 Budget Development

FY25 Final Budget Adoption

In the May 2024 Study Session of the Board, Acting Chief Financial Officer Jeff Allie presented the Superintendent’s FY25 Budget Recommendation for final adoption. The final recommendation reflected clear alignment to the Board’s unified priorities around investing in competitive compensation and investing in the strategic plan that was inspired by Henry County community members. After the Study Session, the second of two required budget hearings was held at 6:30 p.m. in advance of the Board’s Business Meeting where formal action to approve the final budget for FY25 was completed.

The adopted general fund budget of $561.4 million includes notable investments in student access to quality teachers, leaders, staff, and resource – resulting in a per student expenditure of $12,937/student – and continues HCS’ persistence in putting resources close to students, with 97% of funds aligned to teaching, learning environment maintenance and direct student services. A summary of the $707.8 million aggregated expenditures across the four funds adopted by the board is available here; refer to the FY25 budget infographic for budgetary highlights.

FY25 Tentative Budget Adoption 

In the April 2024 Study Session of the board, Acting Chief Financial Officer Jeff Allie presented the Superintendent’s FY25 Budget Recommendation to the Board. The recommendation outlined expenditures of $706.8 million across the four aggregate funds the Board takes action on annually. Following the Study Session, the first of two required budget hearings was held at 6:30 p.m. in advance of the Board’s Business Meeting where formal action to approve the tentative budget for FY25 was completed.

The tentative budget, which can be viewed by clicking here, prioritizes investments for student access to exceptional learning environments and high-quality teachers, leaders, and staff. Final adoption is scheduled for May 13, 2024.

FY25 Budget Overview 

In the March 2024 meeting of the Board, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report on the FY25 revenue forecast for the general fund and emerging investment priorities. Regarding general fund revenues, the report outlined anticipated decreases in state funding that would be offset by gains related to the strength of the local tax digest and economy. Additionally, the report outlined increasing expenditure requirements related to:

  • implementing proposed State increases for teacher salaries and employer-paid healthcare costs,
  • ensuring the Board of Education continues to offer competitive compensation to retain and recruit a high-quality workforce
  • investing in staffing and resources called for in Year 4 Strategic Plan tactics, and
  • responding to local population growth and inflation.

Click here to view Henry County School's budget overview.

FY25 Budget Outlook

In the February 2024 meeting of the Board, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report on key points of the Governor’s proposed FY25 State budget that impacts school budgets. The report outlined proposed increases in teacher salary scales at the state level and implications locally. Additionally, increasing expenditure requirements regarding the employer paid share of health benefits and its forecasted impact on the coming fiscal year (FY25) budget were discussed. Chief Clay also shared insight on how the performance of our local tax digest impacts state earnings and how local funding supports the instructional and operational supports of the school system. 

Click here to view Henry County School’s budget outlook.

FY25 Budget Development 

A school system’s budget serves as an operational plan, stated in financial terms, for carrying out the mission of the school district. The development of a budget requires planning for the upcoming school year and results in allocations of funding to accomplish a district’s stated goals.

For Henry County School District, budget development typically begins in December with review and analysis of historical trends, strategic priorities, and enrollment forecasts. The launch of state legislative activity in January and the monitoring of State and local activity through March support revenue forecasting, that then informs the school system’s expenditure capacity. Collaborative inputs from school leaders, district leaders, and the community are obtained to inform expense planning. Georgia law requires the Superintendent to recommend a balanced budget for action by the governing school board. Tentative presentation of a proposed budget and final adoption of a proposed budget must be accomplished by June 30th annually.  

Click here to view Henry County School’s budget development calendar.

FY25 Budget Priorities

In the January 2024 meeting of the Board, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report on the priorities of the Board that will be top of mind during the FY25 Budget Development cycle. The voice of the our community – as  articulated in the Community Inspired Strategic Action plan – and the Board’s compass guide the prioritization of resources for our school system. The board is unified in its commitment to continue and strengthen investments in:

  • academic and wellness supports for students
  • competitive compensation for employees, and
  • safe and secure learning environments

These shared priorities and the initiatives called for 2024-2025 implementation within the Community-Inspired Strategic Action plan will serve as guiding principles for the Superintendent in developing the Budget Recommendation that will be presented to the Board and community in April 2024.

FY25 Budget Development Cycle and Calendar 

In the December 2023 meeting of the Board, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report on the status of the FY25 budget development cycle and accompanying calendar. Budget development has many key inputs for expenditure considerations that must align with the district’s five-year, community-inspired strategic plan. The Board’s commitment to this important budget-setting process helps to maintain the district’s vision of every student receiving a high-quality, world-class education.

Click here to view Henry County School’s budget development calendar.