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Mrs. Sophe Pope, Chair (District 4)

Headshot of Sophe Pope

Chair Sophe Pope is a native of Henry County and a 2005 graduate of Union Grove High School.  After obtaining her post-secondary degrees, Pope returned to her high school alma to teach Spanish.  Upon the arrival of her first daughter, Pope made the switch to being a full-time mom.  She also used this time to volunteer and lead the children's ministries at McDonough Presbyterian Church.

Pope's familiarity with public education and a desire to support children and the community were key factors in her decision to run for a spot on the school board.  A blend of passion and experience is what she uses to serve her constituents.  With her first child set to enter school in the district, she brings a unique perspective to the board as being a former teacher, a graduate, and now a parent of an HCS student.  She is proud of the employees in the system and their outstanding work toward helping students achieve at the highest levels.

She and her husband Dusty are the proud parents of four daughters - Ellie Ann, Mamie Cole, Hazel Lane, and Gladie Pearl.

Represents the following schools:
Dutchtown cluster:
Pate's Creek ES*, Red Oak ES, Dutchtown MS, Dutchtown HS
Eagle's Landing cluster: 
Flippen ES*, Oakland ES, Eagle's Landing MS*, Eagle's Landing HS*
McDonough cluster:
Walnut Creek ES, Wesley Lakes ES*, McDonough MS, McDonough HS
Stockbridge cluster:
Cotton Indian ES, Smith-Barnes ES*, Stockbridge ES*, Stockbridge MS, Stockbridge HS
Union Grove cluster:
East Lake ES, Hickory Flat ES*, Union Grove MS, Union Grove HS
Woodland cluster:
Pleasant Grove ES, Woodland ES, Woodland MS, Woodland HS

HCS Board Member since January 14, 2019

Term ends December 31, 2026

In the Community

Working with district leadership during a board work session
Visiting classes with Principal Ellis at Woodland High
Enjoying the excitement of learning with Woodland Elementary students
Celebrating student award winners during a monthly board meeting
Observing instruction at Woodland Elementary
Participating in Read Across America Day with students at Pleasant Grove Elementary
Reflecting on her past experiences as a Spanish educator
Getting a principal's perspective on how to enhance the HCS experience