Parent and Community Member Information:
Henry County Schools’ work has been featured both locally and nationally:
Henry County Outreach
Website, Facebook page, LDS play, videos, district presentation to faculties of all 51 schools, HCS Board presentations, Leadership Henry, open parent & teacher meetings, school council & PTO meetings, TIP, LDS, Chamber of Commerce
Georgia Outreach
UGA, GSU, Clayton State, Mercer, Georgia Tech
GaDOE, GOSA, GaETC, Gwinnett, Forsyth, Fulton counties
Regional and National Presentations and Recognitions
ISTE, iNACOL, CoSN, ASU+GSV, Digital Learning Day, South by Southwest, GRESA, New Schools Venture Fund Conference, CAST -UDL Conference
National Publications of HCS PL work:
Blended by Michael Horn
Make Learning Personal by Bray & McClaskey
Competency Works
Education Week
Research papers by 2Revolutions, Learning Accelerator and Cee-Trust, & more