• Welcome                                  


    Teacher Name: Katrina Pandya 
    School Email Address: kpandya@henry.k12.ga.us 
    Subjects I Teach: Anatomy, AP Biology, & Biology
    Welcome Message: Biology
    Welcome to Biology. This course will focus on life sciences and culminate in a GA. Milestone. Please be prepared (read your book, answer the end of section questions) every day. If you have questions feel free to e-mail me at: kpandya@henry.k12.ga.us
    Thank you,
    Dr.  Pandya
    Welcome Message: Anatomy and Physiology
    Anatomy and Physiology is a challenging and exciting course.  I hope you enjoy the journey of learning as much as I will enjoy teaching it to you.  If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at kpandya@henry.k12.ga.us
    Dr. Pandya
    Welcome Message: AP Biology 
    Before August please be sure to do the following:
         * Watch your four biology related science programs (two of which I have provided for you through links). Please be sure the two you choose fit into the 8 major themes of biology (look at the links if you need help with this) and that they have appropriate academic content. Your paragraph/ page on each is due the first day of school, so be sure to bring it with you!


    n      This course is the equivalent of an introductory college laboratory course for Biology majors.

    n      Focus on  overriding concepts rather than  isolated details.

    n      The course is organized around the concepts found in the AP Biology Course Description provided by the College Board

    n      4 big ideas link to everything learned in the course.

    Teaching Strategies

    n      Lectures that are guided by PowerPoint presentations

    n      Socratic discussions

    n       cooperative work

    n      Hands-on inquiry (labs),

    n      Independent studies guided by project assignment,

    n      Computer animations via the internet or the CD ROM that accompanies the text,

    n      Streaming video and peer evaluation.

    What is Expected Out of You!

    n      Read Each Chapter Before We Start PowerPoint Presentations

    n      Print Out Notes (School Website) or Outline Chapter Before PowerPoint Presentations (You will have no time in class to write everything out)

    n      Labs: Prelabs need to done before lab, complete with Title, Table of Contents, Purpose, Background, and Materials & Methods. Those that come unprepared will get a ZERO on the lab and will be unable to participate

    What is the End Goal?

    n      Pass the AP Biology Test

    n      Obtain College Credit

    n      Its not a contest, or an individual sport, we are all in this together

    n      To be better prepared for College.