A well-rounded student is one who has a variety of interests, including academic, social, recreational, and community service. Henry County Schools offer many different extracurricular activities. Students should try to incorporate at least one or two of these activities into their high school experiences. Many employers and colleges look at the student’s total record, extracurricular activities as well as academics, when choosing the best candidate for employment or college admission. Students participating in extracurricular activities, including interscholastic activities, must meet the following athletic eligibility requirements as identified in the Georgia High School Athletic Association Constitution and By Laws. For more information, please visit: www.ghsa.net.

    (a)    First-year students (entering 9th grade) are eligible academically.  Second semester first-year students must have passed courses carrying at least 2.5 Carnegie units the previous semester in order to participate.

    (b)    Second-year students must have accumulated five (5) total Carnegie units in the first year,   AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 Carnegie units in the previous semester.

    (c)    Third-year students must have accumulated eleven (11) Carnegie units in the first and second years, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 Carnegie units in the previous semester.

    (d)    Fourth-year students must have accumulated seventeen (17) Carnegie units in the first three years, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 Carnegie units in the previous semester.

    (e)    Students may accumulate the required Carnegie units for participation during the school year   and eligibility will be reinstated at the beginning of the next semester.



    Clubs, organizations and sports vary from school to school; contact your school for more information.