Unity Grove Elementary School
Printable Letter (pdf)Dear Parents,
The Physical Education Program at Unity Grove Elementary School requires your child to be involved in the activities. In order for your child to receive the full benefit of this program, it is suggested that you follow these guidelines.
1. Please list any health concerns that may limit your child from participation in Physical Education class:
2. A parent or guardian should send a written note to the physical education instructor if your child should not participate in the activities due to a minor illness (cold, stomach flu, etc.)
3. A written statement from the child’s physician should be sent to the Physical Education instructors if a more serious illness (broken bones, surgery, etc.) prevents your child from participating for more than a week. A written release from the physician should be provided when your child is ready to resume physical education activities.
4. Your child should wear appropriate shoes for running and playing. Shoes should have a bottom that will not slip and slide. High heels, flip-flops, sandals and boots are NOT acceptable for physical education activities.
5. Please dress your child for active participation.
The above guidelines are for your child’s health and safely. Please sign and return this form to Ms. Mitchell and Coach Hinz. Thank you for your support.
Ms. Mitchell
Coach Hinz
Child’s name______________________________________________________
Homeroom teacher________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________
Home Phone#_____________________________________________________