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Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) Ola High School
357 North Ola Road McDonough, GA 30252
(770) 288-3222
FROM: Ola H.S. AFJROTC Booster Club President
SUBJECT: Ola H.S.AFJROTC GA-20102 Booster Club
TO: Ola H.S. AFJROTC Parents and Cadets
On behalf of the Ola High AFJROTC Booster Club leadership, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back or, if you and your child are just joining our family, we would like to extend a warm welcome from the Booster Club and the AFJROTC Staff!
The Ola AFJROTC Booster Club was developed as a means of supporting Ola High School's AFJROTC program in the development of our children as productive future citizens. This support comes in many different forms to include helping to create an Air Force appearance and atmosphere in the classroom, providing mentoring and supervision during various AFJROTC events, coordinating and assisting in community service projects, and coordinating and executing fundraising initiatives to support the AFJROTC program.
Our AFJROTC Booster Club Executive Board has been working throughout the summer to get ready for the new school year. Limited funding has brought new challenges for this year and it is going to take the unified efforts of all of our parents to keep the program going to allow our cadets to compete against thousands of other AFJROTC cadets world wide (i.e. drill, marksmanship, academic team, etc.). Bottom line... We need volunteers! The sheer number of act ivities that our AFJROTC program offers is too much for a small group to handle, so we welcome everyone's help! We need you to donate your time to help out with the many opportunities our AFJROTC cadets are afforded throughout the year.
We ask that you take the time to review the following information and thoughtfully consider the best way that you can support t he Booster club and the Ola AFJROTC program this year:
The Ola AFJROTC Booster Club typically meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm to plan upcoming events and community service projects, and determine how we, the parents, can help make the program a greater success for our cadets. The first Booster Club for 2021-2022 school year will be held on August 10th @7pm . Subsequent meetings are as follows:
2021 Sep Oct Nov Dec
2022 Jan Feb Mar Apr May
To ensure Ola's AFJROTC Booster Club has a consistent operating budget to begin each school year, the AFJROTC Executive Board established annual dues in the amount of $20.00 per family. Payments will be accepted during OLA"S Open House, and we ask that all dues are made not later than 30 Aug 2021. These funds will go a long way to help the AFJROTC Booster Club procure and provide items required to support field trips (i.e. snack s), and other special events (i.e. awards ceremonies, Family Day, etc.) planned throughout the school year that Ola's AFJROTC program depends on the Booster Club to sponsor in full or in part.
Each year the program sponsors various extracurricular trips and event s that require chaperones, volunteers, snacks and drinks. These trips and events are great opportunities for the cadets to enhance their learning beyond the classroom, participate in unique experiences, and for parents to share in these exciting opportunities with your child.
Some of the trips/events that are tentatively scheduled for the school year include:
- Ola AFJROTC Welcome Back and Newcomers Social
- Ola AFJROTC Family Day Event
- Bucket Drops
- Fundraising events
- . Drill and Marksmanship Competitions
- Curriculum-In-Action {CIA) Trip - Kennedy Space Center , Orlando, Florida 4 Day 3 Night
- Christmas Part y
- Military Ball
- Veterans Day Event
- Awards Ceremony Fall and Spring
Please note: All trips and dates are tentative and subject to change and/or be cancelled to meet the needs of the unit. There is also the potential for short-notice events which support special occasions.
In order to keep our Booster Club directory current , please complete and remit the "AFJROTC BOOSTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP AND DIRECTORY INFORMATION FORM" {see form below) along with your annual dues. (Note: Current members are also asked to complete the form to ensure our database is up-to-date). Starting 2018-2019 the Booster Club will have a Booster Club directory, ONLY for Booster members. Information published in the Booster Club directory should ONLY be used for AFJROTC Booster Club business (NOT TO BE USED for any other matters, including solicitation purposes, one ' s personal business, private or political interests/ views).
In closing, the success of our organization directly depends on the support of our pare nt s and families. We ask that you please forward all requested information back to the AFJROTC Booster Club leadership during Ola’s Open House.
We encourage your participation and want to thank you in advance for any help you can provide during the upcoming school year. We look forward to working with each of you. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and/or concerns.
President , Ola H.S. AFJROTC Booster Club
(678) 571-4810
Senior Aerospace Science Instructor
(770) 288-3222
Ola H.S. AFJROTC Booster Club Membership & Directory Information Form
Communication will be primarily through "Group Me", text, email and our unit website. Please provide a valid email address and phone number of the parent(s) and not cadets.
Parent/Guardian Name:
Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian Name: _
Phone Number:
Cadet(s) Name:___________
Cadet(s) Name:_________________________________________
Membership Dues
$20 Volunteer. I plan to help with events
$25 Non Volunteer. I will be unavailable, but would still like to help financially.