FCCLA's mission is to promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge and vocational preparation.

    1. To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for
      adult life.
    2. To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society.
    3. To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and
    4. To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global
      cooperation and harmony.
    5. To promote greater understanding between youth and adults.
    6. To create opportunities for making decisions and for assuming
    7. To prepare for multiple roles of men and women in today's society.
    8. To promote family and consumer sciences and related occupations.

    The motto is "Toward New Horizons." This motto is a challenge. Itreminds members that their contributions to home life today willing fluence the kinds of homes we have tomorrow, that the family members will influence the community and the world.

    The flower is the red rose. It gives joy through its beauty and fragrances. This symbol represents a desire for joy in everyday living.

    In 1999, chapters voted 4,330 to 1,040 to replace the existingFHA/HERO emblem with the oval logo pictured here. This futuristic logo shows that FCCLA is a dynamic, active organization bound for the future. The dominant collegiate lettering articulates a focus on education and student leadership. The swooping arch embodies an active organization that moves toward new arenas. The following guidelines are recommended when wearing the official emblem:
    • Wear the emblem over the heart or on a jacket pocket
      on the same side as the heart.
    • Avoid wearing the emblem in combination with other
      school organization emblems or seals or in combination
      with the school's name.

    Red & white are the colors of FCCLA. Red suggests strength, courage and determination—personal qualities leading to happiness through a positive self-image. White symbolizes sincerity of purpose and integrity of action, qualities that will help individuals build a better tomorrow.

    The pin is a reproduction of the FCCLA emblem. Members, advisers, honorary members. Alumni and Associates members and chapter parents may wear the pin.The pin should be worn over the heart. If a guard is worn with the pin, it should be placed level with the lower point of the pin.