• Tess of the D'urbervilles Activities
    1.  Click here for Tess of the D'urbervilles blog activity. 
    Directions: Each blog entry should include an insightful comment, direct references (or quotes) to the book, and a question or comment wherein you pose a thoughtful idea that should generate a more in-depth response to the novel. Merely agreeing or disagreeing with another student comment will not accrue a passing grade. Plan to respond with at least three comments over the course of the two days, and be sure to respond to each other rather than compiling information and typing it without scrutinizing the words of your classmates.
    2.  Click here to view a presentation on formulating a thesis statement.
    3.  Click here to view an open-ended essay question related to Tess. 
    Directions: using the template provided in the powerpoint about formulating a thesis, please write a thesis statement that clearly indicates your understanding of the question. (Follow the template.)
    Write your thesis statement and save the file in your student folder on the X: drive.  Name the file "Last name_Tess thesis"
    4.  Click here to annotate a prose passage from Tess of the D'Urbervilles.  Save your work in your student folder on the X: drive.  name the fiile "Last name_Tess annotation."