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  • Learn a Plant, Love a Plant Project

                Learn a Plant, Love A Plant!!          

    Making your own Plant Book!



    ·         Students will make their own personal reference book of plants.

    ·         Students will learn 50 plants that we are growing in OUR Greenhouse!

    ·         Students will integrate technology, art, and photography to create a keepsake book.

    Requirements for the Plant Book:

    ·         Divide the book into the 4 categories listed below

    o   Annuals

    o   Perennials

    o   Houseplants

    o   Herbs and Veggies

    ·         Do your research to get the required information for each plant. Record your research onto the Plant Sheets provided.  You may write the information on the form and glue a photo.

    ·         Some students find it’s easier to learn the plants if they take an actual photo with their own camera or cell phone.

    ·         You may use a Google photo, a photo from a plant catalogue, or a photo from your camera.

    ·         When complete, all books will be bound in a nice notebook for easy reference.

    ·         Be sure you can locate and identify EACH PLANT in our greenhouse!  50! You can do it!


    Where will you find the information for your research? 

    There are many web sites or books you can use.  Listed below are a few you could start with.

    Many plant catalogues will be available in class for cutting out photos.


    www.plants.usda.gov  (be sure to choose the search for common or scientific names)



    www.horticopia.com   (listed by scientific name)

    If you discover other good web sites for plant information, please share them with the class


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  • Plant Science Syllabus

    The signed Plant Science syllabus is due on Tuesday, August 12th.
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