• Online Teachers Office/Tutoring Hours

  • HCOA Teachers 23-24
    Teacher Course After School Office/Tutoring Hours (Days & Times) Phone Numbers
    Rudd, Crystal 9th Grade Literature (Honors) Tuesday 4-6 (Email or text to request meeting) 404-482-3981
    Joyner, Amanda World Literature (Honors) Monday 3-5, Tuesday 3-5, Thursday 3-5, Friday 3-5 (Email or text to request meeting) 470-222-6177
    Clinton, Tonya American Literature (Honors) Tuesday/Thursday 4-5 (Email or text to request meeting) 404-721-3858
    Hightower, Christopher British Literature (Honors) Tuesday 4-6 pm or By Appointment Monday-Friday 678-359-2154
    Parham, Amy Algebra I (Honors) Mon 3-5 & Thurs 3-5 (email for appt) 678-561-6088
    Keaton, Carla Geometry (Honors)/College Readiness Math Tue(3:30 - 4:30) Thurs (3:30 - 4:30) & by appointment 678-783-6545
    Walker, Jamaine Algebra II (Honors)/ AMDM Tue(3:30-4:30) Thurs (3:30-4:30) 678-577-4260
    Masters, Myranda Pre-Calculus (Honors)/ Algebra II/AMDM Mon (3-5) Thurs (3-5) 404-862-7707
    Dorsey, Cassandra Biology (Honors) M, Tu, Thurs, Fri (4-6) 770-742-9234
    Raines, Charlena Physical Science Tue/Thur 3:30-4:30, other days by request (Appointment Calendar) 678-383-7238
    Hatfield, Amanda Physics Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:15 (Appointment Calendar) 678-284-2994
    Grillo, Rachael Environmental Science/ Earth Systems Tues/Thur 3:30 - 4:45, other days by request (Email or text to request meeting) 404-939-0548
    Compton, Jeffery Forensic Science/Human Anatomy Tues/Thur 3:30 - 4:45, other days by request (Email to request meeting) 770-648-4582
    Harris, Graquetta Chemistry Tuesday & Thursday, 3:45 - 5:00 Other times by appointment: Appointment Request 404-507-6878
    Social Studies
    Stiles, Shannon World History (Honors)/ American Gov & Econ Tuesday and Friday 3:30-5:00 or by appointment 678-609-8658
    Fenn, Frank US History (Honors)/American Gov & Econ Tues/Thurs 4-6pm 678-369-1089
    Fonville, Daketa American Government (Honors)/Economics (Honors) Tues & Thurs 5pm-6pm; REMIND Mon-Fri 470-869-0406
    Hartley, Amanda Us History (Honors) Tues / Thursday 530-630pm, by appointment.  
    Wright, Kay Psychology/Sociology Wed. 6:00-7:00 p.m.; Thurs. 7:00-8:00 p.m. 706-623-7998
    CTAE Courses
    Bryan, Susan Early Childhood Education I & II (GC) A/B 3:30-4:30 on weekdays by appointment as needed 770-543-8910
    Price, Christy Early Childhood Education I & II (GC) AB 3:30-4:30 on weekdays by appointment as needed- by email request 470-851-4060
    Beck, Meredith Food/Nutrition/Wellness (GC) AB 3:30-4:30 on weekdays by appointment as needed 478-254-0334
    Mrvos, Melissa Food/Nutrition/Wellness (GC) A/B 3:30-4:30 on weekdays by appointment as needed 678-230-1960
    Bryant, Patrice Legal Environment of Business Monday-Wednesdays 5-6 or by appointment 470-771-2591
    Caldwell, Stacey Spanish I & II Mondays and Fridays 4-5 or by appt. 678-859-6775
    Seymour, Noemi Spanish I & II Mondays and Thursdays 4-5p.m. (or by appointment) 678-834-9585
    Grammer, Randi Spanish I & II Monday 4-5 pm call/text 662.614.2729 or by appointment 662-614-2729
    Gammage, Cathryn French I & II Monday & Wednesday from 3:30- 5:00 or by appointment 678-201-0785
    Johnson, Tami Intro to Healthcare/Essentials of Healthcare Google classrooom Mon 6 to 7 pm ET. Available throughout week as needed by students (Adjunct) 678-626-7267
    Malcom, Katherine Intro to Business Technology/ Health & Personal Fitness 3:30-4:30 on weekdays by appointment as needed 770-954-5879
    Melissa Roberts Marketing Principles 2:00-3:00 Sunday afternoon, appointments as needed 212-963-5522
    Washington, Amy Intro to Law & Public Safety/ Criminal Justice Essentials 6 - 7 pm by appointment Monday - Thursday 910-683-0265
    Watts, Jason Health/Personal Fitness Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30pm and as needed by appointment 971-246-7228
    Huff, Joshua Basic Agriculture/Animal & Plant Science Monday 5:30 - 6:30pm or by appointment 678-658-0567
    Clark, Jennifer AP Computer Science Principles & Computer Sc/Programming (GC) Monday & Friday 5-6 or by Appointment 770-609-9411
    Holcombe, Julie First Aid & Safety Tuesdays 3:30 -4:00 or as needed by appointment 682-302-4894
    Vigon, Kelly AP Macroeconomics Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 - 4:40 678-310-6768