• Frequently Asked Questions

    • What is HCOA? Henry County Online Academy (HCOA) is an online program offering courses taught by HCS teachers/adjuncts as well as Imagine Learning instructors (formally known as Edgenuity).  Students remain enrolled at their zone school and the student's counselor recommends and approves the appropriate online courses.  Most of our students take one online credit per semester.  You will need to consult with your student's counselor to determine which HCOA courses your child could take online.

    • What classes are offered online? See Online Course Catalog tab

    • What are the deadlines for enrollment and withdrawal from an online class?  See Enrollment Dates tab

    • Where can I find my child's online course grade? You can find this information in Infinite Campus under the school Z_Henry County Online Academy.  If your student is taking their online course through Edgenuity, you can also see the grades there.  Edgenuity will also allow you to opt into weekly progress update emails.  Ask your student's teacher how to opt in!

    • How do I access my online class?  Click the icon/button that says "Impact Academy Edgenuity" with a white background on your HCS Student Launchpad. 

    • Who do I contact if I don't understand my course content?  Contact your assigned HCOA teacher.  Teacher contact information can be found either in Google classroom or under contact information on your Imagine Learning (Edgenuity) dashboard.  You can also find all HCOA teachers and their contact information on this site under the Faculty Page.

    • How do I contact my teacher?  You can contact your teacher by email, text or google voice during their office hours.  You can find teacher's office hours either in Google classroom or under contact information on your Imagine Learning (Edgenuity) dashboard.

    • How do my teachers contact me?  Teachers send emails to students' HCS email address as well as reach out via phone/text.

    • Who decides if my student can take a HCOA class?  Your students Impact Academy or zone school counselor.

    • Who do I contact if I am having technology problems with my chromebook?  Fill out an incident ticket

    • How does a student know if they are making sufficient progress?  Generally, high school students should complete 7% of the course each week.  Students should refer to the Progress Bar on their Imagine Learning (formally known as Edgenuity) Dashboard to determine how much progress they have made on the course.

    • What happens if students do not keep up with the pace on the pace chart?  The pace chart is a terrific tool which will allow high school students to complete their course in a timely manner and meet the course completion deadline without stress. By working each day and completing the required weekly assignments, students should be able to maintain their pace. If students are unable to maintain the pace as indicated on the pace chart they should first contact their online teacher and discuss any concerns. If students are struggling with any issue, their online teacher will be happy to work with them towards their success. 

    • How do I check my email?

      Impact Academy students will use their school email via the Outlook app, or Office 365.  

      • Username: Student ID@henry.k12.ga.us

      • Password:  first and last initial mmddyy birthdate #,  EX:  ff122967#

      Students are expected to check their email several times daily.  Beyond texting and Remind, this is the primary mode of communication for teachers and students.  Parents can log into their students' accounts to monitor messages and activity.

      Here are directions to get started!

    • How long is a semester and block class?  A semester class is approximately 50 hours and a block course is about 100 hours.