Room 213 Class Updates

  • Room 213 Class Updates

    Upcoming Events 

    11/20 - 11/24 - Holiday Break (No School for Students)

    11/29 - Career/Truck Day  


    Progress Reports Coming Soon

    Please check Infinite Campus for your child's grades and reach out if you have any questions.  Our Learning Recovery Plan is noted on the weekly graded assignment page.


    This year, we are using a reading motivation app called Beanstack to help encourage our readers.  All of our readers are encouraged to read 20 minutes per day at home, and we encourage you to log those reading minutes into your child’s account in Beanstack.   The directions for using the Beanstack app are HERE.    We will be issuing reading challenges throughout the year, and we would love to see all of our readers participate!   If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. French, our Media Specialist.


    School Money

    When sending in school money, enclose money in an envelope or zip-loc bag, please include the following information listed below.  Any money sent in without a note and enclosed in an envelope/bag will be returned.