School year items


    Thursday folder will be coming home again this year.

    Left side notes from the school

    Right side graded papers being returned


    Parent conferences happen between August to October and the second January to March.


    Starting the week of September 3rd at lunch, parents and anyone on the list may come and have lunch with our child. Second grade has Wednesday for our day to visit during lunch.



    For absences, please send in a note stating why your child was absent. For transportation changes, these need to be dated and signed, telling for which days the change in transportation will be for. Your child will be sent home in their normal way each day unless a note comes in first thing in the morning to change their transportation. I will ask for any notes but not check backpacks for any notes. If your child is forgetful, please email me so that I can check the note.


    Grade this year will be

    A 90-100%

    B 80 -89%

    C 74-79%

    D 70-73%

    F anything less than 70%