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FY24 Budget Development & Adoption
In accordance with Georgia law and State Board of Education policy, a budget for the Henry County School System is prepared annually and submitted to the Henry County Board of Education for approval. Financial activity occurring during the year is compared to the adopted budget and is presented to the Board monthly. Below is a summary of the FY24 Budget Development process and subsequent budget actions by the Henry County Board of Education.
FY24 Budget Amendments
During the course of the fiscal year, the Superintendent may recommend the Board take action to adjust or amend the adopted budget. Budget adjustments do not change the total expenditure amount authorized for the fund; rather these reflect re-allocation of previously authorized funds. Budget amendments increase or decrease the authorized expenditure level of the fund and result in the publishing of a new budget document for the public. The latest amendment occurred during the November 2023 meeting of the board; click here to view the amended budget.
FY24 Final Budget Adoption
On May 8, 2023, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay presented the Superintendent’s FY24 Budget Recommendation to the Board during its study session. The recommendation outlined expenditures of $712.2 million across the four aggregate funds the Board takes action on annually. Following the Study Session, the second of two required budget hearings was held at 6:30 p.m. in advance of the Board’s Business Meeting where formal action to approve the budget for FY24 was completed. Covering the 2023-2024 school year, the adopted budget represents a historic investment, with an investment of $11,677/student planned which is the highest per student expenditure in system history.The final budget can be viewed here and an accompanying infographic of the adopted budget is available here.
FY24 Tentative Budget Adoption
The Henry County Board of Education tentatively adopted the Superintendent's recommended budget on Monday, April, 17, 2023.The tentative budget, which can be found here, prioritizes investments that provide students access to exceptional learning environments. Final adoption is scheduled for May 8, 2023.
Click on the image to the right to view a full-screen PDF of the 2023-2024 Proposed Budget highlights.
March Budget Workshop
On March 27, 2023, the Board of Education held a Special Called Meeting to review emerging recommendations to be included in the Superintendent’s tentative budget proposal. Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report on the FY23 year-end outlook and fiscal management practices which support sustainability of the school system. Based on information known to date, Chief Clay shared the tentative forecast of revenues and expenditures, to include investments in competitive compensation for all staff members. Superintendent Mary Elizabeth Davis shared that the preview discussed was subject to evolve prior to the April Board Meeting date, as additional information from the State Legislature and the local tax assessor becomes available.
Click here to view FY24 Budget Workshop report.
FY24 Budget Overview
In the March 2023 meeting of the Board, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report on the FY24 revenue forecast for the general fund and emerging investment priorities. The report outlined forthcoming mandates from the State legislature which will increase school district expenses relating to employer paid healthcare contributions and the compensation of classified employees. The report outlined additional competitive compensation, strategic action plan, and operational investments that will be included in the Superintendent’s recommended budget when it is tentatively presented for adoption on April 17, 2023.
Click here to view Henry County School's budget outlook.
FY24 Budget Outlook
In the February 2023 meeting of the Board, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report highlighting activity of the State’s 2023 legislative cycle that impacts school budgets. The report outlined key changes the State has proposed regarding the employer paid share of health benefits and its impact on the current year (FY23) budget, as well as the budget under development for FY24. Chief Clay also shared the preliminary costs estimate to implement the Governor’s proposed $2,000 salary increase for all certified staff members and signaled forthcoming analysis for all remaining job families.
Click here to view Henry County School's budget outlook.
FY24 Budget Priorities
In the January 2023 meeting of the Board, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report on top budgetary priorities that will inform FY24 budget development. The report outlined the Board’s commitment to continue building upon prior year investments and to support investments required by the five-year, community-inspired strategic plan.
Click here to view Henry County School's FY24 budget priorities.
FY24 Budget Development Cycle and Calendar
In the December 2022 meeting of the Board, Chief Financial Officer Shanika Clay provided a report on the status of the FY24 budget development cycle and accompanying calendar. Budget development has many key inputs for expenditure considerations that must align with the district’s five-year, community-inspired strategic plan. The Board’s commitment to this important budget-setting process helps to maintain the district’s vision of every student receiving a high-quality, world-class education.