Henry County Schools is committed to providing a school environment and culture that emphasizes student learning and development of lifelong wellness practices. Recognizing the link between nutrition and physical activity to enhanced student personal health, academic performance and behavior, HCS has developed a wellness department that is dedicated to promoting the overall well-being of its students.
Because HenryCares, It is important that we measure and monitor the health and wellbeing of our students and the environment in which they learn. Twice per year, HenryCares Check-Ins are administered to all students 3-12 to measure grit, supportive relationships, and student engagement into the learning environment.
Samples of HenryCares Check-ins:
Student Competency and Wellbeing
Goals and Challenges
If you fail to reach an important goal, how likely are you to try again?
Not at all likely | Slightly likely | Somewhat likely | Quite likely | Extremely likelyHow often do you stay focused on the same goal for several months at a time?
Almost never | Once in a while | Sometimes | Frequently | Always
During the past week, how often did you feel excited?
Almost never | Once in a while | Sometimes | Frequently | Almost AlwaysDuring the past week, how often did you feel safe?
Almost never | Once in a while | Sometimes | Frequently | Almost AlwaysDuring the past week, how often did you feel frustrated?
Almost never | Once in a while | Sometimes | Frequently | Almost Always
Help From Other People
Do you have a teacher or other adult from school who you can be completely yourself around?
No | YesDo you have a friend from school who you can be completely yourself around?
No | YesWhat can teachers or other adults at school do to better support you?
Open-ended Written Answer
Student Support and Environment
Feelings About Being at School
How much support do the adults at your school give you?
No support at all | A little bit of support | Some support | Quite a bit of support | A tremendous amount of supportOverall, how much do you feel like you belong at your school?
Do not belong at all | Belong a little bit | Belong somewhat | Belong quite a bit | Completely belong
Perceptions of Class
How excited are you about going to this class?
Not at all excited | Slightly excited | Somewhat excited | Quite excited | Extremely excitedIn this class, how excited are you to participate?
Not at all excited | Slightly excited | Somewhat excited | Quite excited | Extremely excited
Your Teacher During Class
How often does your teacher take time to make sure you understand the material?
Almost never | Once in a while | Sometimes | Frequently | Almost alwaysHow much does your teacher encourage you to do your best?
Does not encourage me at all | Encourages me a little | Encourages me some | Encourages me quite a bit | Encourages me a tremendous amount
Staff Check-In
General School Impressions
How often do you see students helping each other without being prompted?
Almost never | Once in a while | Sometimes | Frequently | Almost all the time
During the past week, how often did you feel excited at work?
Almost never | Once in a while | Sometimes | Frequently | Almost alwaysDuring the past week, how often did you feel safe at work?
Almost never | Once in a while | Sometimes | Frequently | Almost always
How much do you matter to others at your school?
Do not matter at all | Matter a little bit | Matter some | Matter quite a bit | Matter a tremendous amountOverall, how much do you feel like you belong at your school?
Do not belong at all | Belong a little bit | Belong somewhat | Belong quite a bit | Completely belong