Six schools were constructed across various clusters as a part of E-SPLOST 1. There were two school renovations as well. Common items found here and throughout other E-SPLOSTs are general building repairs, instructional resources, technology upgrades (hardware, software, and infrastructure), transportation, and land acquisitions.
E-SPLOST 2 saw eight schools built in different clusters. There were new additions completed on different schools, too. And you can see more of the common projects, plus there was the conversion of a former school into what is now the district office building.
E-SPLOST 3, four more schools were constructed as well four renovations or additions. In addition to the common capital projects, there were also security camera upgrades in this E-SPLOST.
E-SPLOST 4 saw one new school constructed, but also four building additions were completed including the building addition for the Academy for Advanced Studies. There were some major renovations that were completed at 14 schools in the district, with the same renovations taking place at 35 schools in the following E-SPLOST. There was also completion on security doors for schools. You can see that funds were also used for instructional resources and providing air conditioning in our middle school gyms.
E-SPLOST 5. Two replacement schools were built and a new performing arts center was completed on the north side of the district in Fairview. As important as those were, in addition to many of the items you see here, it is safe to say that the investment in student learning devices for every student and computers for every staff member was a game-changer in light of what we have experienced with the current pandemic. While many districts struggled to keep remote learning afloat in their respective areas, our district, thanks to E-SPLOST, didn’t miss a beat and kept learning going at a high level, and that continues today. There were many other projects, like purchases of instructional resources for teachers, completed as seen on the list, each holding importance to the voters who voted for this E-SPLOST back in 2016.