Download Syllabus here: World History Syllabus
World History
Angela Walker
Room #
Contact Information
Email: angela.walker@henry.k12.ga.us
Online Office Hours:
By Appointments ONLY via link located on teacher email
Course Description
This course is a survey of World History from 3600 BCE to the present. Some topics include the development of ancient civilizations, classical civilizations, world religions, the Renaissance and Reformation, and Revolutions. Additionally, broad historical themes will be analyzed to demonstrate how past events continue to affect contemporary events. The course will be taught using a wide variety of instructional strategies including: traditional lecture/discussion format, small group discussion, paired peer tutors, individual research and discovery, and will introduce a variety of primary and secondary historical sources with an emphasis on analytical skills needed to interpret them.
Materials Needed
⮚ Chromebook (FULLY CHARGED) ⮚ Notebook
⮚ Pens (blue/black ink) ⮚ HMH resources (online text) on Launchpad
Class Procedures
1. Be on time! Log onto Google Classroom for attendance
2. Be respectful. Disrespectful behavior towards teachers and classmates will not be tolerated. Foul or suggestive language, physical contact, and disrespect of property are not welcomed.
3. Follow all instructions given when given the first time; ask for clarification if not understood. The ability to follow directions is a quality that will be crucial to your academic and professional careers.
4. Plagiarism (cheating, copying others’ work, looking up answers during a test) and other forms of academic dishonesty are not tolerated. Such an infringement will result in an irreplaceable zero in the gradebook.
Grading Calculations
Formative any assessment that demonstrates mastery over a topic or concept (i.e., guided reading/essay/quiz)
Summative an assessment over all the standards learned in a unit or topic (i.e., Test/Project)
End of Course Test/Final Exam
Formative/Summative (80%) + EOC (20%) =
Students Course Final Average (100%)
Make-Up/ Late Work Policy
Students will have until the following Friday at 3:00 pm to turn in late/missing assignments.
o Ex: If your assignment was due Thursday, August 5, 2021, you will have until Friday, August 13, 2021, to turn it in. Any work not turned in at that time will be accepted at the instructor's discretion with a 50% penalty.
Remote Learning Attendance Policy
Attendance will be taken during a 1st period homeroom every day. Your student is expected to be logged into their Chromebook by 8:15.
Students will be directed to complete attendance daily in their homeroom class.
Teachers will simultaneously monitor attendance in a Google Meet live session during this homeroom period to check for accuracy of student reports.
Teachers and attendance clerks can override the student-recorded attendance recorded in IC.
If a student forgets to mark him/herself as present, but the teacher “sees” him/her in the class (visually sees him/her on camera, hears his/her voice during the class, or receives written correspondence from the student during the lesson via chat, email, assignment participation/submission), the teacher can correct the entry (up to 5 days) to record the student as present.
Teacher to Parent Contact
Parents, please be aware that teacher-parent contact comes in many forms and teachers are not obligated to make phone calls as the only form of contact. The teacher will contact parents in the one or more of the following manners beyond progress reports cards, report cards, or open house activities:
● Google Classroom (updates, announcements, copies of assignments, class resources, evidence of student work and grades in class) Download app on iOS or Android
● Infinite Campus messenger -> Look for email from: messenger@henry.k12.ga.us
● Academic conferences via Google Meet or Scheduled IEP meetings or SST process
● E-mail or a phone contact
Please Note: For the most current information, please constantly check student’s Infinite Campus for updated grades and Google Classroom for news and updates.
Parent to Teacher Contact
The teacher should always be the first point of contact for a parent. The quickest way to contact your child’s teacher is through email. Please give teachers 24 hours to respond to parent emails.
In order to be informed of your child's progress on assignments always check Infinite Campus.
Another way to check your child’s progress is through Google Classroom. Be sure to enroll in Google Classroom notifications that are sent to your email.
Course Weekly Pacing Guide
Ancient Civilizations 3600 BCE-500 AD
08/09 – 08/13
Unit 1
Week 1
Birth of Civilizations
Classical Period 1200BCE-455
08/16 - 08/20
Unit 2
Week 2
Chinese and Indian Societies
08/23 – 08/27
Unit 2
Week 3
Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
Post Classical Period 455-1500
08/30 – 09/03
Unit 3
Week 4
Byzantine & Mongols Empire
09/06 – 09/10
*09/06 – Labor Day
Unit 3
Week 5
09/13 – 09/17
Unit 3
Week 6
Fall Break
09/27 – 10/01
Unit 4
Week 7
Americas/ Exploration
10/04 – 10/08
*10/08 - ERD
Unit 4
Week 8
Renaissance and Reformation
10/11 – 10/15
*10/11-10/13 - ERD
Unit 4
Week 9
Imperial China and Feudal Japan
10/18 /10/22
*10/22 - Interim
Unit 4
Week 10
Islamic States
10/25 – 10/29
Unit 5
Week 11
Age of Reason
11/01 – 11/05
*11/02: PDD
Unit 5
Week 12
Rebellion & Revolutions
11/08 – 11/12
Unit 6
Week 13
11/15 – 11/19
Unit 6
Week 14
Imperialism & Nationalism
Thanksgiving Break
11/29 – 12/03
Unit 7
Week 15
World War I/ Russian Revolution
12/06 – 12/10
Unit 7
Week 16
Interwar Period 1914-1939 / World War II
12/13 – 12/17
Unit 8
Week 17
Cold War/ Sixties – Contemporary
12/20 – 12/22
Final Exam
**Note: PDD: Teacher Professional Development Day/ ERL: Student Early Release Day**
Course Learning Objective
Students will demonstrate understanding of the political, social, economic, or cultural dimensions of world history.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the commonalities and differences among two or more societies, nations, or cultures outside of the United States in regard to any of the following: language, literature, aesthetics, politics, economics, or social and cultural practices.
Students will demonstrate general knowledge of trends and issues in global history.
Students will demonstrate improved abilities in processing and analyzing information from different historical sources.
Students will demonstrate improved skills at crafting written arguments based on information from historical sources.
Miscellaneous Information
Because learning is remote and you have a lot of flexibility, there should be no excuse for work not to be turned in. You are responsible for your own learning. I am merely the facilitator of information.
As you review your notes or watch videos, be sure to write down any questions you may have.
Email me or ask during office hours. I am here for you. Let’s do this!
Cheating Policy
If a student is caught cheating, they will get a phone call home, a zero for the assignment/exam and they cannot redo/retake their assignment/exam.
What counts as cheating:
1 Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s work without their permission, or citation.
2 Looking up answers during a test or quiz
3 Having the exact same answers as another student