AP Statistics

  • Supply List

    • TI-84 graphing calculator (there is an emulator on your chromebook)
    • 3 ring binder (1)
    • Dividers (either 5 or 8 dividers) (if desired)
    • Notebook Paper
    • Writing Utensils
    • Dry Erase Marker (to write on desk if desired)


  • Syllabus

    AP Statistics Syllabus 2021-2022

    When you finish reading through the syllabus with your student please be sure to complete the Google Form at the end of the syllabus.




    1st period     @ugapstats1


    5th period     @ugapstats5

  • AP Classroom

    Please see Google Classroom for your AP Classroom code.  This is where you will eventually choose whether or not you will take the AP exam.  The deadline for this decision is November 5th.  There will be a way to pay online this year.  I will give you more information on AP Classroom during the first day of school.



  • Tutoring

    I am available from 7:45 AM until 8:15 AM every morning and 3:15 PM until 3:45 PM every afternoon (unless I have a meeting).  Please send me an email or message me on Remind before you come!