Holmes' Math Pages
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- Never Stop Learning: HCS Resources - copy
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- Numberless Word Problems - copy
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- Grade-Level Word Problems and Task Cards - copy
- Math Video Lessons - copy
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- Constructed and Extended Response Practice - copy
- Estimation 180 and Area Practice - copy
- Fact Fluency for Addition and Subtraction - copy
- GloSS and other Math Resources - copy
- Three-Act Tasks - copy
- Monthly Math Corners - copy
- Monthly Math Calendars - copy
- Number Talk Resources - copy
- Parent Resources - copy
The following resources have been created by Mollie Hall using Number Talks: Helping Children Building Mental Math and Computation Strategies (Parrish, 2010). It is recommended that you begin by reading through the book and also the following article: Number Talks OverviewAddition Number Talks - Use in the following Order
Making TensMaking Landmark or Friendly Numbers - 2nd gradeMaking Landmark or Friendly Numbers - 3rd - 5th gradeBreaking Each Number into Its Place Value - 2nd gradeBreaking Each Number into Its Place Value - 3rd - 5th gradeSubtraction Number TalksDivision Number Talks
Partial QuotientsPrezi designed and shared by Jim Klein, Jr. Woodland ElementaryDivision: