Criminal Essentials

Criminal Justice Essentials

  • Criminal Justice Essentials


    Provides an overview of the criminal justice system. Starting with historical perspectives of the origin of the system, the course reviews the overall structure. Students will become immersed in criminal and constitutional law and will review basic law enforcement skill. The course will observe and present mock trials to provide participants with first-hand experience of the criminal justice system. 


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    Some of the standards for this course are:


    1. Demonstrate creativity by asking challenging questions and applying innovative procedures and methods

    2. Exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills to locate, analyze and apply information in career planning and employment situations.

    3. Present a professional image through appearance, behavior and language.

    4. Describe the court system and process of a criminal trial.

    5. Analyze scenarios related to law enforcement and apply relevant federal, state and local law. 





    Room 620 Intro. Criminal Essentials

    Mr. Santee

    Classroom Goals

    • In this class students will have a basic understanding of the criminal justice system and all of its parts, including the court system and courtroom procedures.
    • Students will be able to research laws using the prescribed database to gain information into Georgia law and how it effects our lives day to day.
    • Students will make presentations to the class to teach the class what they have learned about laws and other topics.
    • Vocabulary is a must. Students will learn new vocabulary each week that is used in the criminal justice system.
    • Students will write research papers that focus on their thoughts of laws.
    • With personalized learning, students will be able to stay on their own pace.

    Guidelines for Success

    It take a strong person to become a CHAMP in life.

    Communicate your needs in class. (Make the teacher aware)

    Have your goals set for the class. (Know what it takes to do your best)

    Assert yourself into the front of the class. (Be in the know of what is going on)

    Manage your time wisely. (Be on task)

    Plan to be the best and the best will be yours. (Never limit yourself)

    Classroom Rules

    Champs follow rule to success.

    1. No fighting or arguing in class.
    2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    3. Do not leave class without permission.
    4. No social media posting
    5. Stay on task in class



    Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations

    If students violate classroom rule the consequences could vary. Some of the rules like fighting and arguing, throwing things in class will be dealt with by an administrator and will lead to office referrals. Other consequences could be as follows:

    • Parental contact
    • Detention
    • Time after class
    • Points off grade




    In this class being a CHAMP requires work on everyone’s part. The CHAMP approach will prepare each student with an understanding of what is expected in this class.

    Large-Group Activities

    • Teacher directed instruction
    • Scenario based interactions
    • Classroom discussions

    Station Activities

    • Seat work
    • Lab assignments
    • Computer based work
    • Table top work (with the group you sit with)
    • Student conferencing


    All grades will be discussed in private. At no time are students allowed to discuss their grades in open class. Grading will be posted every nine weeks as followed:

    1. 40% of your grade will be exams
    2. 20% of your grade will be the Mid-Term
    3. 40% of your grade will be classwork and participation

    Classroom Procedures

    Entering the Classroom

    1. Students must be online in the platform assigned by the teacher during their class time.
    2. Students must be ready to work. That means having all your materials for the class out.
    3. The class starter will be given before each class unless it is given to you at the door. Students are to begin working on this as soon as you are seated.

    Tardy to class

    If students are tardy to class that student must have a signed note from a teacher or the slip from the tardy kiosk in the hallway before the student will be allowed to enter the class. If students are in class but not in their seats working on the class starter, the student will be counted as tardy and get a point taken off their participation grade for that day.

    Daily Assignments

    Each student will have daily assignments. It could be part of a playlist or an individual assignment for one lesson. All students are required to turn in all assignments on the due date unless otherwise instructed.



    Turning in assignments

    There will be many ways students will turn in assignments in this class. Students will use computers, notebooks, class sheets, and loose-leaf paper to turn in work. During remote learning assignments will be turned in on the platform designated by the instructor.

    Returning Assignments

    Graded work will be available to students in the manner in which they turn it in. If the student turned in a quiz on google classroom the student can see comments on that assignment in google classroom and the grade will be posted to the student’s infinite campus. Students will be able to track all grades in Infinite Campus with real-time updates through the app.

    Student’s responsibility after an Absence

    It is the student’s responsibility to make up all work that has been missed. Student’s missing work will show as missing in Infinite Campus and the student must complete all the work. Students will be given the same amount of time as the rest of the students to complete missing work. If students don’t make up work before the grading period ends the student will receive a zero for that assignment.

    Communication Procedures with Parents or Guardians

    Student’s parents should have access to student’s Infinite Campus at all times. Parents are allowed to view student’s grades and conduct in this site 24-7. Parents will be able to contact me through email or through the school office with any concerns.


    Ending Class

    Five minutes before class ends all students will receive final instruction on work to be turned in or how the next class will proceed. All students should return to their assigned seats and there should be no talking. Students will remain in seats until the bell rings. Once the bell rings all students will be dismissed unless the student owe time after class or the student have questions.


    Supplies for This Class

    • A notebook with loose leaf paper.
    • Something to write with.
    • The school issued Chrome Book.


    IEP and Section 504 supports and services will be provided to students with disabilities in the remote learning environment to the greatest extent possible.