• What is required for graduation?

    *All students are expected to complete a common set of requirements to earn a regular diploma. 

    The following units are required under the current graduation rule. Students who enroll from another state must meet Georgia graduation requirements and the Georgia assessment requirements for the graduation class they enter.


     23 Carnegie Units are required for a student to graduate with a high school diploma. These credits will come from each of the    

     English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Career Technical and Agricultural Education, Fine Arts, World

     Languages, and  Health and Physical Education.  Below you will see the number of required credits in each of these areas and the

     specific classes that are in each area.



    English Language Arts



    Social Studies

    CTAE/Fine Arts/World Language

    Heath and PE

    Required Number of Credits







    Required Classes

    9th Grade Literature and American Literature

    Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Advanced Algebra

    Biology and Physical Science/Physics

    World History, US History, American Government / Civics, and Economics

    Two years of the same language is needed for college admission

    Health and Personal Fitness

    Special Notes

    As a part of the 23 required credits, students must take 4 electives that can come from any of the areas above

    Click on the individual subjects above to see course progressions course descriptions available in those subjects



    Each of the highs school in Henry County are utilizing a year long grading system.  This means that the full credit will not be awarded until the successful completion of the class.  Promotion from grade to grade is contingent upon successfully earning these credits.  The required number of credits for promotion from grade to grade are: 

    8th - 9th Grade: Meet 8th grade promotion requirements to be assigned to 9th grade
    9th -10th Grade: Earn 5 units of credit
    10th -11th Grade: Earn 11 units of credit
    11th -12th Grade: Earn 17 units of credit 


    Students who transfer from another state or from another educational setting are required to meet the criteria for promotion and graduation outlined in this guide and the Georgia high school graduation requirements, including required courses of study and passing scores on all required graduation assessments. Students who have questions about transfer credits should contact their school counselor for more information.


    All grades will be recorded numerically exactly as they are received from the issuing school. The only exception to this will be if a student enters with a numeric grade below 70 that is considered passing by the previous school. In this circumstance, a grade of 70 will be assigned.

    For those students who transfer in with letter grades only, those grades will be converted to a numerical average according to the chart below:
     A+=98 A=95    A-=93 
     B+=88 B=85  B-=83 
     C+=78 C=75  C-=74 
     D+=73 D=71  D=70 
Last Modified on October 24, 2019