Instructor: Marco Romanelli
E-mail: marco.romanelli@henry.k12.ga.us
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is the second course in a sequence of courses designed to provide students with a rigorous program of study in mathematics from the Georgia Standards of Excellence. This geometry course has been broken into 8 units.
Unit 1: Polynomial Expression
Unit 2: Geometric Foundations, Constructions and Proofs
Unit 3: Congruence
Unit 4: Similarity
Unit 5: Right Triangle Trigonometry
Unit 6: Circles
Unit 7: Equations and Measurements
Unit 8: Probability and Statistics
Calculator (TI-36X Pro is recommended)
3 ring binder with set of dividers
Notebook Paper
Students can not learn when they are on their cell phones or personal electronic devices.
GRADING POLICY: Course final average- Students will be assessed on mastery of standards. Students will be given a number of assessments per standard and the top several are kept and averaged. Students will be able to see exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are by referring to the standards. The goal is for students to be more conscious of what they are working on and to encourage them to strive for mastery.
- Tests: 40%
- Classwork/Homework: 40%
- Exam/EOC: 20%
Course Average: Made up of many assessment grades throughout the year
End of Course Assessment: Assesses ALL units
ATTENDANCE: Attendance is extremely important. When you have an excused absence, you have the same number of days that you were absent to make up an assignment or a test. You assume the responsibility to make arrangements to make up a test and securing all notes. Class time will not be spent getting you caught up if it interferes with the instructional time of other students.
ASSIGNMENTS: Each student is expected to attempt, complete, and check every assignment. Mathematics is learned by practice; therefore, expect homework every night. Homework is checked for a grade. It is permissible to discuss problems with other students or relatives. It is not permissible to copy another student’s work. Students are expected to check their answers at home and come prepared to ask questions in class.
TUTORING: I am available to help you and to answer your questions when needed. It is imperative that you let me know immediately if you are having difficulty. Tutoring is available after school.
*All students will receive Chromebooks during fall semester. More information is forthcoming from the school.
1. Show Responsibility
2. Be Ready
3. Be Respectful
Success in mathematics depends on effort, NOT ability.