• Mrs. Tivis' Web Page
    Teacher Name:Caf Tivis
    School Email Address:caf.tivis@henry.k12.ga.us
    Position: Math Instructional Lead Teacher

    Hello Fairview Eagle Family!

    Welcome to a new school year!.  I have transitioned from EIP (Early Intervention Program) to the (MILT) Math Instructional Lead Teacher for Fairview.

    I am excited about my new role. I will be learning about ways to assist teachers with math skills and strategies to aid in student growth and achievement. 

    We are in the midst of a challenging school year with Covid 19 still looming, but I will remain positive and steadfast in working with teachers and students for this 2021-2022 school year.  We have a lot to overcome, but together we are powerful and can accomplish much.    

    I am here to support teachers for whatever they may need assistance with, but please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

    Let's make this a great school year!!  


    Mrs. Caf L. Tivis, Ed.S.
    Math Instructional Lead Teacher
    HEART Lead Mentor