•  Mandatory School Attendance

    “When you miss school, you miss out!”

    As mandated by the Henry County Board of Education and the State Board of Education

    Frequent absences, late check-ins, and/or checkouts from school are detrimental to the academic success of individual students and classmates.  Students should arrive at school on time and should remain in school for the complete school day. 

     Please see here for Fairview's Absence Note Form


    Based on Georgia Law (20-2-690.1) and State Board of Education Rule (JB), any child subject to compulsory attendance who during the school calendar year has more than five days of unexcused absences from school will be considered truant. The legal penalties and consequences for truancy include referral of parents, guardians, or custodians to State Court and referral of juveniles to Juvenile Court for prosecution.


    For any absence to be excused, on the first day a student returns, a handwritten note or a medical doctor’s excuse must be submitted.  Please review the list of excused absences in the Henry County Schools Student Handbook.

    We will only accept five (5) handwritten notes for the school year

    After five (5) handwritten notes or a total of 10 days absent (excused or unexcused), absences will remain unexcused unless a doctor's note is submitted.  In addition, if a student is absent due to a sickness resulting in three (3) or more days absent, only a doctor's note will excuse the absences. 

    If your student has extenuating circumstances in regard to a medical condition, please contact our office for more information. 

    Student attendance may be viewed through Infinite Campus.  If you had an Infinite Campus account previously, you will be able to use the same user name & password for Fairview Elementary.  You can obtain your activation code in person from the office.

    Excessive Absences 

    Please be aware that attendance letters are mailed when a student reaches the 3rd, 5th, and 8th unexcused absences. Parents of students with 5 absences (excused or unexcused) will be required to attend a meeting to set up an attendance contract.  In addition, parents of students with excessive late check-ins or checkouts may be required to attend a meeting to set up an attendance contract. The School Social Worker is notified when a student has 8 unexcused absences.   

    Late Check-ins and Early Checkouts

    Any student who is not in class by 7:45 a.m. is considered late. All check-ins after 7:45 a.m. will be unexcused unless you have a medical doctor/dentist excuse. All checkouts will be unexcused unless we receive a medical doctor/dentist excuse the first day the student returns.  A parent or guardian needs to come inside the school to sign-in their child(ren).


    The legal penalties and consequences for truancy include referral of parents, guardians, or custodians to State Court and referral of juveniles to Juvenile Court for prosecution.

    Any parent, guardian, or other person residing in this state who has control or charge of a child or children and who violates the Mandatory Attendance Code section of Georgia law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not less than $25.00 and not greater than $100.00, imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, community service, or any combination of such penalties per absence.  Each day’s absence from school is a violation of this provision and shall constitute a separate offense.  If convicted of truancy, juveniles may face severe penalties under the Juvenile Code of the State of Georgia.
