• FVE PE 2023-2024
    Teacher Name: Rob Abbott
    School Email Address: george.abbott@henry.k12.ga.us
    Subject: Physical Education

    Greetings Fairview Family,

    My name is Coach Abbott and I have been working at Fairview since 2016 as the PE Coach. I look forward to working with your students. This year students will complete the Georgia Department of Education Physical Education Standards….

    Kindergarten GA PE Standards

    1st grade GA PE standards

    2nd grade GA PE Standards

    3rd grade GA PE Standards

    4th grade GA PE Standards

    5th grade GA PE Standards

    When students are in the gym they must…

    Be SKERD…


    Safety - #1 rule in the gym is to be safe.


    Kindness - students must be kind.


    Effort - the expectation is that students always put forth their best effort in the gym.


    Respect - students will respect people and property.


    Directions - following directions is essential to have fun and stay safe in the gym.





    About Me...

    Rob Abbott


    Bachelors of Art in Elementary Education

    Masters of Science in Curriculum and Instruction

    Educational Specialist School Administration and Community Leadership



    5th grade teacher for 5 years

    7th grade math teacher for 8 years

    Fairview Elementary physical education teacher for 7 years


    About Me

    I am happily married to my wife, Stacey.

    We have two great kids… Will (9) and Iva (8)

    We have a dog named Chewy and three cats Sky, Saber and Obi


    Spending time with family and friends

    Going on vacation

    Disc Golf



    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.


    Thank you!

         -Coach Abbott




     Parachute Popcorn